Having learnt that new governing ones were to be appointed, a politico, a former purohita had called on a bigwig at the country’s main office and had told him that if he were appointed as the governing one of the Eastern province from where he hailed, he would be in a position to garner several lakhs of votes for his boss at the forthcoming big poll.
There is a certain high-up who made an effort to secure the main chair of the Khaki department whenever it was about to fall vacant. Just before the third service extension was granted to the incumbent, this ambitious contender had approached two Buddhist monks who are well- known as power brokers often taking a hand in the matter of making political appointments to high posts.
Following the recent ‘expulsion’ of the state purohita caught smuggling gold and some other valuable items on his return from abroad, covetous eyes are on the top post of a statutory body that comes under the purview of this state ministry. It is common knowledge that the head of that statutory body is appointed by the state purohita concerned and now that he is gone and a new head for that body is likely to be appointed by his successor, it is s
There is a certain former purohita who is among the few others again aspiring to top team status. He is known to have an unbridled tongue and in fact, he, once, fell afoul of the law by talking out of turn. By the way, this politico hailing from a district known for its cool climate is heading the list of highly disappointed top team office hopefuls as well. And he is said to be holding a grudge against the powers that be over this issue. A few
The country’s ambassadorial post in a European country is something in very high demand among both career diplomats and certain politicos and some of them resort to using undue influence to secure such a position. Meanwhile, some envoys already in this post in such countries are reluctant to move out from the post and try their best to hold on to it!
The impending move to appoint new governing ones to the provinces has become a hot topic these days. However, only four governing ones have been asked to tender their resignation. Meanwhile, sources say that the government’s initial plan was to replace five governing ones with new ones.
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