High-flying professors brought down to terra firma

Two academics at professorial level had the other day delivered lectures at an important meeting of the Blue party on how to win elections. However, the strategies espoused by this twosome did not appeal to the senior Diyawanna politicos of the party who were present at the meeting, they say.

These seniors knew through experience that the grand designs being advocated by the duo were not down to earth – neither reasonable nor practical!

However, when these seniors were just keeping quiet despite their reservations about what the two academics espoused, a young leading politico of the party hailing from Rajarata had risen to his feet and addressing the two professors had said: “ With due respect to your high status, I wish to say that your plans will not bring success at an election…! Before teaching us how to win elections, why don’t you two demonstrate the merit of what you propose by contesting an election and mustering at least one thousand votes each!”

Thereafter, the two professors did not utter a word on the subject of how to win elections at this meeting, they say.

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