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SLIM workshop with Ron Kaufman, an unprecedented success


14 August 2017 10:36 am - 0     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), the national body for marketing in Sri Lanka, notched yet another highly successful delivery of its mandate of creating opportunities to receive global knowledge and competencies to the Sri Lankan business fraternity, with the international workshop with none other than the world’s No 1 service guru, Ron Kaufmann.

The secrets to successful customer service and service excellence were shared by the eminent educator with over 1000 Sri Lankans.  

Kaufman is renowned for motivating his audience to make palpable changes in their service leadership culture and proved his skills with the large audience who were highly impressed by his knowledge and expertise.  

Over the course of two days, he imparted the best global practices, which were highly relevant to the increasingly globalised economy that the marketers function in.  At both, the CEO Forum, which had a participation of over 300 decision makers, and the Knowledge Forum with over 1,000 marketers and professionals of similar capacities, Kaufman captivated his audience with key learnings, practical examples and his renowned blueprint for gaining a competitive edge in any industry and business.
Looking back at both the CEO Breakfast Forum themed ‘Leading the Service Focused Culture’ and Knowledge Forum titled ‘Service Leadership – The Inevitable’, which were deemed unprecedentedly successful, judging by the highly positive feedback received, SLIM President Karthik Elangovan stated, “Undoubtedly, this is a milestone for Sri Lankan marketers and our corporates because we have opened up an absolute treasure trove in inculcating a service-driven culture into the macro landscape of the Sri Lankan economy.  This is really important for Sri Lanka’s development agenda and I do believe that a service-driven culture forms a strong foundation for the nation’s vision 
going forward.”  

Stating that SLIM, as the national body for marketing, has delivered the fundamentals and the blueprint required to build this service-driven culture, Elangovan reiterates that ‘Ron Kaufman Live in Sri Lanka’ has now given the country the key to uplift organisational culture into one of service leadership.

Echoing these sentiments, Project Chairperson Ranga Perera expressed his belief that the practical examples coupled with theory and work knowledge imparted by Kaufman has set the pace for corporates to now look upwards and outwards. 

“For SLIM, this event was truly a trailblazer and one that made us proud, especially as we have contributed to the country’s forward journey,” he said.  

Underlining that it was collective teamwork, leadership demonstrated by the SLIM Council, a penetrative marketing campaign and holistic planning, which heralded this unprecedented crowd-puller of over 1,300 participants, Perera added that SLIM has truly made a great achievement by having Kaufman’s universally applicable expertise shared across multiple industries and companies in Sri Lanka.

Determined to continue the momentum of the success stemming from this event, CEO/Executive Director Sanath Senanayaka proclaimed that SLIM is committed to impart global knowledge and experience and therefore would feature such personalities for the benefit of the business fraternity.  
“Being the national body for marketing, we have a responsibility to ensure that our marketing fraternity as well as the country gains optimum advantage from the influence we possess in the international marketing arena. Hence, SLIM wishes to feature more such personalities who will share global best practices, learnings 
and experiences.”


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