Sat, 01 Jun 2024 Today's Paper

Writ petition filed in SC to prevent LG Election

3 January 2023 01:06 pm - 4     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


A writ petition has been filed in Supreme Court seeking an order quashing the decision of the Election Commission to hold the Local Government elections before March 10 as reported by media.

Colonel (Retd.) W.M.R. Wijesundera filed this petition naming the Election Commission Chairman, members of Election Commission, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardene and several others as respondents.

The petitioner states that the decision of the Election Commission to hold the Local Government Elections at this present crisis the entire Nation is faced with would lead to a disaster and leave the General Public with additional burden.

The petitioner stated that information, that have been obtained from the Election Commission using Right to Information Act , at least Rs 10 billion has to be allocated for conducting election in 2023 as per annual budget.

In response to the question whether such amount is available to conduct elections in the country the Election Commission in writing stated that the ‘releasing the imprest will depend on the receiving of the revenue and ability to borrow.”

Meanwhile, the petitioner further said that there are disruptive elements, driven purely by political motives and agenda, that are attempting to exert undue influence on the Elections Commission to conduct a Local government election, even though the present circumstances do not warrant the holding of such an election.

  Comments - 4

  • Ranjith Tuesday, 03 January 2023 06:56 PM

    Elections are democratic right of the people elections has to be held on schedule, if the situation get worse most likely and recovery process goes beyond 2024 most likely election commission has to keep on postponing elections, why we have to postpone elections its due to the stupid decisions and mistakes made by the government can we trust and have confidence on same government brought the country to this situation

    Ranjith Tuesday, 03 January 2023 06:59 PM

    Look at the other countries and facing similar situations had their elections on time we don't want excuses please let democracy prevail and protect the rights of the people.

    Cherath Wednesday, 04 January 2023 01:43 PM

    The question that requires an answer from the petitioner and others who share the same sentiment is: 'are we not to hold elections until the economic crisis is over?' If not, why then?

    Buddhist Wednesday, 04 January 2023 10:46 PM

    If the election is not held on time there will be another clause to this effect added on to 2023 UNHRC resolution.

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