Sun, 02 Jun 2024 Today's Paper

Trade unions’ demands unfair, says Health Ministry

Health workers strike sparks concerns as patients inconvenienced

12 January 2024 07:01 am - 17     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Colombo, Jan 11 (Daily Mirror) -  While admitting that the health workers deserve a pay hike, the Health Ministry said the pay hike that the health trade unions are demanding is not fair at this juncture.

The token strike was organized in protest at the government's decision to exclusively raise the Disturbance, Availability and Transport (DAT) allowance by Rs 35,000 for doctors.

Speaking to Daily Mirror, Deputy Director General (Medical Services) Dr. G. Wijesuriya said the primary focus of the Health Ministry is to guarantee the effective and appropriate delivery of healthcare services to the general public.

“In addition, we also ensure that the health workers are facilitated. However, the grievance that the trade unions are voicing at present is not reasonable due to the fact that the doctors are paid the allowance given their professional standards,” he pointed out.

“Moreover, if regular health workers are requesting a salary increase similar to what has been given to doctors, it may not be considered a justifiable request,” he added.

Nevertheless, he said the Health Ministry had contemplated recommending a reasonable pay hike to the all health workers in due course.

Patients across the region face significant inconvenience as all health personnel, including administrative officers, health management assistants, development officers, assistants and hospital health assistants unite for a 48- hour strike.

Despite the strike ending this morning, the trade unions warn of resorting to another strike next week.

  Comments - 17

  • ruwan Friday, 12 January 2024 08:18 AM

    if they demand a similar salary like doctors, may as well choose professions by lifting hands after school.

    Jude Friday, 12 January 2024 08:33 AM

    If the government wants to guarantee effective delivery of health care services to the public then pay the doctors, nurses and health care workers appropriately!! Also the Police department officers and Teachers!! The SriLankan airlines loss for the year ended March 31,2023 is Rs. 71 Billion and in the previous year it was Rs. 134 Billion huh.the cumulative loses over Trillion rupees now Why Treasury still funding The gigantic money losing SriLankan airlines!??? Put that money where it deserves!! SriLankan airlines benefit only for few Rich people And foreigners!! Moreover, Morethan 80% of Lankans don't do any Air travel. Why should the poor people suffer when it comes to health care, and government mismanagement of economy especially the SriLankan airlines, something has to be done!!

    Terrence K Friday, 12 January 2024 08:35 AM

    First and foremost let these ancillary services truthfully say whether they are performing their duties. Whilst there are devoted nurses others should have been sent home as they are spent forces. Look at the attendants and the minor staff they refuse to do their duty expecting the patients to hire outside help at astronomical prices. At least the Doctors are duty bound to diagnose and do other work. Also there is a disparity of qualifications and experience between the Doctors and the ancilliary staff. All trade Union action in the Health sector has been instigated by the Clergy!!!!!!!! Do not tolerate this type of trade Union action because if this is granted how about the employees of other professions and specially the private sector since the public are under the impression that the private sector salaries are well above the government sector which is a misnomer the private sector employee will tell you that he is reciving a PITTANCE in an economy of " HYPER INFLATION "

    Sinnaiha Ramachandran Friday, 12 January 2024 09:12 AM

    Without the assistance of health workers, none of the doctors can function effectively. They depend on these health workers. As far as I am concerned, health workers, especially nurses, are more knowledgeable than doctors these days. They have also put in more hard work to reach their positions. Nurses deserve this pay hike.

    Kasun Friday, 12 January 2024 03:10 PM

    You are a similar chap to Saman Rathnapriya, the inferiority man. Dont day dream and dont publicise your insane imaginations

    Sokrates Friday, 12 January 2024 09:19 AM

    For example, on what justification does an ambulance driver demand the same allowance as a doctor with a university degree?

    Vithanage Friday, 12 January 2024 09:23 AM

    First of all have all thieves go where they deserve to be and put the country back on track.

    Mohamed Burhan Friday, 12 January 2024 10:25 AM

    End of the day Rs.10000 or 20000 will be paid to these Govt.employees.Then only they will think of giving their vote to this Govt!!!

    Barny Friday, 12 January 2024 10:27 AM

    Scooping and scavenging Tax monies from the poor and the hard-working private sector to look after doctors, government servants and politicians' salaries. This is not acceptable!

    Jayanetthi Friday, 12 January 2024 10:48 AM

    Unfair politics ruling and practices. Trade unions are also a party. Rulers just hang on but not all people want to live with viruses.

    Jega Friday, 12 January 2024 11:17 AM

    The government increased the allowance by two fold to doctors because their cost of living is high. If that is the case, how can one argue that demanding the same treatment not fair by other workers? In a family you cannot offer special treatment to one child and neglect others. Every category from the doctors up to the labourers are important to perform a good service in health service. The new minister being a doctor must have proposed this foolish move to please his batchmates and i wonder how the well experienced president has approved it without considering the consequences. Further, how can Ranil following the principles of equality like west support this. Also please not the doctors who have studied with the poor people's tax money charge exorbitant amounts from the poor people doing private practice after and before the duty hours. Other categories have no such chance in life. Better cancel the increase of allowance to doctors before people start another aragalaya.

    Siva Friday, 12 January 2024 01:56 PM

    Nurses work like monkeys they have trained to give paracetamol where as doctors think and decide why it's only paracetamol not antibiotics. It is apparent since they do more physical work Infront of patients where doctors work can't be appreciated by patients who is only sitting Infront of nurses table

    KP Friday, 12 January 2024 03:00 PM

    @Jaga This increase in transport allowance was overdue since 2019. Only doctors and others in a parallel category in government service are eligible for transport. No country in the west or east, government or private give the same salary and benefits to all employees. All professions are needed. But they are valued differently based on education, skill, responsibilities and replaceability. Yes all need means to live. The nurse should make a case to increase their own benefits (some BTW doctors are not entitled to) instead of asking for what doctors are getting. What doctors do in their private time is nobodies business. If a policeman drives a Tuk Tuk in his private time, should his salary be reduced because of it? If the chanelling fee is too much, there is always the choice of going to a different doctor or to the government hospital. In the private sector supply and demand decides prices. You can’t guilt trip service providers to reduce prices.

    KP Friday, 12 January 2024 03:06 PM

    @Sinnaiya What do you mean nurses put in more hard work to get to their position? Do you have any idea about the difference in education level, skills, responsibilities. Is a knowledgeable nurse going to perform your bypass surgery? Yea, big talk in the comments while in real life, quietly chanelling a doctor. Hypocrisy.

    Ram Friday, 12 January 2024 03:29 PM

    When did the Health Ministry say that Trade Union action is fair?

    Patcitz Friday, 12 January 2024 03:45 PM

    The health sector craves for money, it was evident when they murdered innocent people during the FAKE CORONA pandemic period being paid a "Per-Head Basis"many millions, taking the US advice to bash the Chinese economy instead they harmed the general public who elected the rogue MPs to parliament.

    Quintus Perera Friday, 12 January 2024 08:21 PM

    What has been done by increasing the take home pay of medical officers and University academics is, whatever the effect of it may be, a step taken to control brain drain! If the striking unions choose to resign and migrate, there will be many more qualified unemployed people to take their palaces.

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