Sun, 02 Jun 2024 Today's Paper

Shavendra and Kamal villains in GR’s new book

8 March 2024 06:50 am - 38     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


By Kalani Kumarasinghe

Former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has acknowledged his shortcomings in appointing key defence personnel, including General Shavendra Silva and General (Retd.) Kamal Gunaratne in his tell-all memoir “The Conspiracy to Oust Me” launched yesterday (March 7). 

Rajapaksa recounts the dramatic circumstances which led to his ousting in 2022, describing it as a first-hand experience of an internationally-sponsored regime change operation.

Rajapaksa who recalls several of his failures, most notably the organic farming initiative, also interestingly points out failures in the national security apparatus under his own administration.

“I appointed officers with long years of experience whom I had worked with for many years to the most important positions in the law and order and security apparatus.

Some structural shortcomings in the placements I made which did not show up when the armed forces were preoccupied with disaster relief operations during the pandemic, later obviously caused problems in the command and control structure of the defence establishment. However, by that time it was too late to address these issues.” he wrote.

The former President, referring to Defence Secretary Kamal Gunaratne and the Army Commander at the time Shavendra Silva noted the lack of ‘a seniority gap’ between the two heads which he asserted was detrimental to national security.

“Both of them were divisional commanders during the war and had got used to seeing themselves more or less as equals. Whether the two got on well was doubtful,” Rajapaksa said. He also alleged that the Army Commander and the Defence Secretary were working against each other at times, with the Army Commander disregarding the instructions of the Defence Secretary, Kamal Gunaratne. He added that Gunaratne may not have had the same control over the armed services that Rajapaksa once had as Defence Secretary.

In stark contrast to Rajapaksa’s presidential election campaign which was built around the themes of national security, and his status as a war hero, the memoir notes of the various failures of the defence apparatus in containing mass protests which led to him fleeing the country. One reason, Rajapaksa attributes is the fact that both the Defence Secretary and the Army Commander were facing human rights abuse allegations, which he says prevented the duo from taking necessary action.

Rajapaksa notes that the inability of Silva’s daughter to travel to the United States due to these circumstances ,‘ obviously’ had a psychological impact on the General.

The former President asserts that visits by foreign ambassadors to military installations must stop, and strict protocols must be introduced to monitor interactions of the armed services. While Rajapaksa maintains that his ouster was the result of a major international conspiracy, the failure of intelligence was also a key factor in preventing his ousting.

“Intelligence services performed well in pandemic-related duties, they completely missed the build-up of politically motivated mobs on social media,” he wrote.

The former President also shared some of his frustrations in being a novice politician, detailing the  dilemmas he was forced to deal with in appointing members of the Rajapaksa family to powerful portfolios.“the fact that I was not leading the party meant that I did not have much political power,” Rajapaksa

In a historic ruling in November 2023, the Supreme Court determined that the Rajapaksa brothers, — Gotabaya, Mahinda, and Basil — as well as senior officials in their administration, played a significant role in the economic crisis of 2022, breaching the public’s trust.

Nonetheless, Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s book reiterates his refusal to acknowledge any accountability for the nation’s financial downfall, and continues to attribute his ousting to “conspiratorial forces.”

  Comments - 38

  • ama Friday, 08 March 2024 07:22 AM

    His main focus was only on military personnel. He did not have any economic knowledge, which is the most vital aspect to lead a country. By now all citizens should have realised that a democratic country cannot be run by a military person. All what he did was releasing all convicted prisoners and thus abused the power vested on "executive president". 6.9 modayos are answerable to the present mess.

    Sobers Friday, 08 March 2024 07:32 AM

    Poor leadership,racism,immaturity,megalomania,family bandism,arrogance and corruption were the main causes. Useless blaming international conspiracy.

    Don't blame Friday, 08 March 2024 11:00 AM

    International conspiracies are ubiquitous in the world. Those who have the IQs manage to deal with them. Those who don't have the intellect deal with them are ousted or subject to regime change. How could a vanquished blame the victorious?

    Announce those involved in Corruption Saturday, 09 March 2024 06:44 AM

    Absolutely. He should indicate who are the corrupt politicians and those involved in murder cases too. It will bring him some good karma before his time is up on everything he’s up to.

    Nimal Friday, 08 March 2024 07:44 AM

    They are villains alright. But, what is amazing is that the goat was working hand in hand with these guys until the people chased him away for good.

    S B Lokuge Friday, 08 March 2024 08:10 AM

    Gotas big mistake was to announce that he will contest again for the presidency. That upset Mahinda who wanted Namal Baby to be the next nominee for president and also Kaputas who also had presidential ambitions. So they back stab Gota. Also Shavendra too had his plans for the top job.

    Ram Friday, 08 March 2024 08:19 AM

    Gota's decision to appoint many Military personal to high positions boomeranged on Gota. The so called educated misled him in administration that contributed to his downfall and some of them are with Sajith now signally that if Sajith gets the unlikely win he too will be doomed

    Rip Winkle Friday, 08 March 2024 08:36 AM


    Hadiran Friday, 08 March 2024 08:49 AM

    Perspective of a completely different angle of analysis that needs time and events in future to follow ,in order to prove what ex president explanation as to what happened in 2022

    Sokrates Friday, 08 March 2024 09:03 AM

    Then why didn't Gota ensure that Shavendra Silva and Kamal Gunaratne were tried for war crimes in The Hague? Did Gota also describe his war crimes and his responsibility for the killing fields in the south of the country in his book? How could so many idiots in Sri Lanka elect this whiny, self-pity-filled, incompetent criminal as President?

    Simon Maama Friday, 08 March 2024 09:12 AM

    To certain extent he is correct. Political conspiracy fueled by external party and the unethical conduct of the corrupt SLPP politicians lead by Rajapaksa clan lead to the downfall of Gota. A self-centered semi literate, condescending b......d manipulated by equally corrupt dirtbag like Lalith Weeratunga,.

    It's a conspiracy Friday, 08 March 2024 09:17 AM

    Indeed, the whole thing happened on 9th July was suspicious. We were wondering why tear gas or water canons were not used to disperse the mobs who attacked the president's house.

    Suhada malli Friday, 08 March 2024 09:30 AM

    Conspiratorial forces have always been there in Sri Lankan politics. Eg the infamous parrippu (lentils) airdrop in the 1980s. If GR or in the present context Sajith or Anura Kumara or Dilith or Dammika or Fonseka or Patali has aspirations of becoming the President of Sri Lanka they must be competent and confident to navigate the journey through these conspirational forces. Their visions and language must be carefully trained to be conducive to both domestic sentiments and to be able to navigate the vicious and murderous (Eg Easter attack) international maneuvering. Its an art by itself. In that context we must give credit to RW for how he handled these forces as soon as he took the top post. GR and the people who pushed him to be president (MR, BR, Dilith et al) should have known better when they promoted an amateur into the top post. Now when GR says these things it sounds like a sorry excuse for failure.

    joshua Friday, 08 March 2024 09:39 AM

    We do not want to read any books by these rajapakshes who made this country bankrupt.

    BuffaloaCitizen Friday, 08 March 2024 10:05 AM

    First and foremost, need to acknowledge that a countries Armed Forces is not continuously for purpose of killing countries own citizens specifically the youth, whether at one time they were Sinhalese and at another time Tamils. This shows a drastic failure in governance. When a group of Citizens call for reform, empowerment and structural changes for better development and living standards and when this is responded with state thuggery and criminality, they cannot be labelled terrorists for crude Political gain and Armed Forces used to destroy their claims.

    Gam Godaya Friday, 08 March 2024 10:40 AM

    So the same way continues with Sajith appointing Military personal as senior advisors, etc, etc, so repeat performance

    Countryman Friday, 08 March 2024 11:09 AM

    As per the given account in this news article, Gota has confessed and revealed his INABILITY IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY. The biggest problem with Rajapaksha goons, they heavily depended on "War Heroes" propaganda and fake patriotism created by them, for themselves. Anyway, in any book written about Rajapaksha's, they will never disclose how they looted and plundered the country's wealth!

    Tyronne Friday, 08 March 2024 12:06 PM

    Bottom line is that he did not have the capability and capacity to make wise and sound decisions. He was an abysmal failure who oversaw Sri Lanka plunging headlong into its worst eveconomic crisis..

    Come back Gota Friday, 08 March 2024 02:54 PM

    The way country is going Gota can make a comeback now. Quite agree with Gota's assessments, the ex top army chaps were scared of Julia.

    ANNECUNT Friday, 08 March 2024 03:10 PM

    mr gota you and your family stole money from the motherland and made my country bankrupt

    Peswadilla Friday, 08 March 2024 09:38 PM

    Pure Raja Paksha Organic Bankruptcy. M3 certainly did a much better job but finally had to the clerk the king and king the clerk and them plot the master plan.

    Sagara Friday, 08 March 2024 03:58 PM

    It will be interesting if MR (Mina) embarks in writing his autobiography. This would mainly cover how he plundered the country of billions to be stacked overseas and how he promoted his Cronies too to "make hay while the sun shines ".These Cronies are those who have ganged together firmly and call themselves POHOTTUWA.

    Bernard Jayatilake Friday, 08 March 2024 05:25 PM

    You have pathetically ignored and not included your major achievements, I.e. creating a fear psychosis in the society before the election and you made the national security issue as the major plank in you election campaign, not only the Defence Secretary and the Army Commander but you are a persona -non-gratia in the whole world except this country, your extensive tax concessions cost Rs.800 billion in govt. revenue, Rupee lost 70 per cent of its value to the U.S. Dollar in two weeks after floating it, ban on chemical fertilizer against advice from local experts, you forfeited the U.S.Dollar 400 million Millinnium Chalenge Grant and suspended the Japanese-funded U.S.Dollar 1.5 billion Light Railway Project. you allowed the Rajapakse rule the roost from behind the curtain, you balloned the govt. sector workforce from 750,000 to 1.5 million, you and your nepotism clan splurged on some white-elephant grandiose pojects and last but not the least -your proxy us still trying to save you.

    Ravana Sunday, 10 March 2024 01:28 AM

    Well detailed, honest comment.

    MATILDA Friday, 08 March 2024 07:11 PM

    the book should be named as ,how we( the Rajapaksa family) robbed the sri-lankan government

    Nadi Karunaratne Friday, 08 March 2024 07:55 PM

    I am not sure that you can teach self-awareness. Should certainly consult a psychiatrist as he is clearly delusional.

    Ravi Friday, 08 March 2024 09:00 PM

    Gota is an Oxfords educated person who would have performed much better than expected. Only these military leaders to blame for his failures, otherwise he would have performed a much better job. What a joke to write this on a book!

    Dilip Kumar Friday, 08 March 2024 09:27 PM

    Issues splitting the tiger Gold

    Puswadilla Friday, 08 March 2024 09:33 PM

    Next edition will be Organic Fertilizer too was a foreign conspiracy. It took days and days with these jokers spoke in club house live about it and even voted and passed. Finally the farmer had to feel the brunt. It was the first time in history the farmers started protesting for fertilizer half way the had started for the new harvest.

    Puswadilla Friday, 08 March 2024 09:41 PM

    Wonder what the Sahodarayas Maina, Kaputa Puthas

    Mandayan Saturday, 09 March 2024 08:36 AM

    The Rajapakses have caused significant harm to the country, and it’s futile to write a book now. Murderers should not hold government positions, but unfortunately, racism played a role in securing the top job. Thanks to 6.9 million voters, but the country has paid the price by facing bankruptcy.

    Kapila Saturday, 09 March 2024 09:14 AM

    Yes it was foreign conspiracy to appoint an uneducated school drop out as the finance minister of the country It was a foreign conspiracy that banned chemical fertilizers It was a foreign conspiracy that purchased cheap Chinese vaccines at $15 (highest paid by any country in the world) It was foreign conspiracy that Rs.17Million was found inside your cupboard It was foreign conspiracy that 6.9M voted for you

    munir Saturday, 09 March 2024 10:48 AM

    what does his fan and savior Ali Sabry have to say. He was promoting this gobbaya has the next Lee Kuwan Yu and Dr.Mahathir

    ajith Saturday, 09 March 2024 10:48 AM

    would like to know the response of Shavindra and Kamal

    Tissa Fernando Saturday, 09 March 2024 09:35 PM

    When Gota started playing family based politics, the military and professionals distanced from him.

    Danny Sunday, 10 March 2024 02:22 AM

    You must have thought your order to shoot and kill all at aragalaya would be taken care of but when then world watches no responsible officers will carry out that and then you had to pack and run without undergarments.

    Buddhist Sunday, 10 March 2024 03:32 AM

    Ranil still keeps these two in the same positions because they are the delivery boys of Ranil the Maha Mola Karu!

    ANURA NANAYAKKARA Sunday, 10 March 2024 01:48 PM


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