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Minister Wimal Weerawansa alleges that the United States wants to take over the country and is lining up with separatist forces in order to achieve its goal.
“The geographic location of Sri Lanka and its natural resources are vital for American interest and due to this factor, the Americans have sided with separatist organizations that want to de stabilize this country and then take it over” he said.
Addressing an event in Marawila on Saturday the Minister said the reason for the continuous insistence by the US and other elements on the removal of the Military in the North clearly proves this ulterior motive.
“It is because of this that the US, Britain and the TNA are asking for the removal of the military in the North. That would help them sow the seeds of separatism again in the North and de-stabilize the region and the country,” he said.
reader Sunday, 03 June 2012 11:57 AM
yes sahodaraya true statement but china has already taken us over
0 1
kalum Sunday, 03 June 2012 11:52 AM
Dont remove Military from north and east,The LTTE is still there.
1 1
joker Sunday, 03 June 2012 01:45 PM
Doesnt sound funny WW!!!!!!!!!
Tell us a funnier joke, hic....hic..............hic...................
27 321
lalitha Sunday, 03 June 2012 01:48 PM
shut up
21 220
Credability Brown Sunday, 03 June 2012 01:49 PM
What planet does this guy live on ?
20 250
Andre Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:03 PM
filthy mouth the second compared to Mervin - against opens the mouth. He may know nothing else than trying to manipulate the masses further. As former JVPer I thought he will address real issues such as STATE protection of crime doers. There the boot licker seems to be behaving as if he is blind folded.
18 150
Prashan Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:04 PM
He just a dependen on racism. If USA wants, they could take sri Lanka very easily. no fight there. also, keep inmind that India is a very good friend of USA. so USA could use indian ports and air strips
16 132
DXB Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:09 PM
For sure USA can not take over Sri Lanka , but they can buy wimal very easily !!!
20 170
Modawansa_Mudalali Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:10 PM
Sri Lanka should takeover USA>
40 81
surasena Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:13 PM
What natural resources? Gold in Kelani River and oil in dug wells in Wayaba?
You should know that we are badly deprived with any substantial natural resources.
The geographical location may be fine in the era of sail ships.
14 140
nihal Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:18 PM
US want to take over SL: Wimal .
15 131
tony Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:13 PM
No so long ago this guy wanted to take over Sri Lanka by the gun..
15 127
Nodrog Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:30 PM
Why? Because they are jealous of us and your good looks?
25 258
Nodrog Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:35 PM
Is the full moon affecting this moron??
11 145
Yuri Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:31 PM
MY GOD is he fully charged?
10 70
ibnuaboo Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:32 PM
If the British government had taken over this island under its rule peremnantly our country would not become worse by the politicans
9 98
ibnuaboo Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:41 PM
why this kolavery dear minister ?
10 67
CLEMENT Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:40 PM
11 112
Just Another Citizen Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:45 PM
This guy needs a straight jacket
8 67
aj Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:04 PM
ha ha ha ha
8 40
Amila. G Sunday, 03 June 2012 02:59 PM
Very little connection between two organs.
10 72
Amila. G Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:04 PM
Staying in the balcony , Playing to the gallery
8 64
Ami Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:10 PM
Does it matter ? He was the most preferred candidate in the last election !!! We really need to ask ourselves who the real fools are !
19 209
Mishra Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:11 PM
I am really become a fan of Wimal's Jokes. Keep going on Wimal. What next..?
9 67
Angelo Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:14 PM
He has totally lost....God this man is a total lunatic
9 57
Sudu Nona Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:18 PM
If US takes over SL how nice. Hope it will happen soon. :)
8 83
JR Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:16 PM
If the USA wants to invade Srilanka, They can do it in few minutes.Our Wimal will not have time to hide.
7 60
Imran Hussein Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:23 PM
I wish the US take over this baboon looking baffoon.
10 59
ranjan Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:26 PM
Simply yhe biggest Fool in the History of Sri Lanka Politics. this joker destroys all the good work done by the President
56 21
cuthbert Sunday, 03 June 2012 03:36 PM
it is wast of time to comment on this type of statment
7 37
Basil Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:24 PM
A raving lunatic is Wimal Weerawansa.
8 41
Mason Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:24 PM
This guy has lost his sense of balance. He needs swift treatment at the Mental Hospital. Kindly request the Health Minister to take care of colleague.
5 38
PERERA Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:38 PM
not a bad idea what with idiots like modawnsa in charge of a ministry.
what a mad dog.
7 38
kumidi Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:50 PM
pooe wimal try to survive....
9 25
Manik Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:50 PM
Did Chavez of Venezuela thank you for heaping merits on his speedy recovery from cancer?
7 32
san Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:54 PM
8 31
Dammika Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:57 PM
wachalaya .... useless
9 39
kumaraya Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:56 PM
It should be obvious to any fool, including WW that China is well on its way to take over SL. They have purchased EQUITY to cover the bad loans taken at outlandish rates for investments in harbours etc. So, we can decide: USA or PRC!
6 41
nipuna Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:00 PM
Me yaka "amu" amuwen kalada koheda....?
(this man ate "amu seed" in raw)
(this man ate "amu seed" in raw)
NS')" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 2px">Reply
Sellam Sunday, 03 June 2012 04:56 PM
President has already given it to China. How could USA take over
7 57
Silva Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:02 PM
does he have organ.... may be MADE IN USA music Organ in his house
9 49
Anthony Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:00 PM
Why does not Wimal keep his mouth shut and let us think that he is a fool than open his mouth and give us the evidence that he is.
6 34
Arachchi Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:05 PM
Well said...sometimes US wants Vimal to be next Captain America
16 207
Ling Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:13 PM
Pls stop publish this type of news, is not News at all. It only exhibit the weakest of the GOSL.
11 34
leon Jayatunge Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:15 PM
8 39
sp Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:20 PM
Go and play drums wimally
10 26
shan Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:35 PM
You Need to check up,go to the docotor
8 33
samosa Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:35 PM
Muta pissu... He doesn't have any topic other than US, what we have achieve so far other than winning the war because of SF... It is not fare to blame this Wimal fool, we have to blame the people who elect this useless fellow to the parliament...
9 39
kumara Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:36 PM
Good , actually we are all awaiting for that.
7 32
Ikkie Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:36 PM
Oh I really enjoy all the comments made for this Lunatic utterance. I am not good at making comments, but I do have a hell of laugh on all the comments. Thanks guys.
6 25
citizen1 Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:41 PM
Oh here he goes again! Blabbering total gibberish and bladedash!!
6 24
saumya Sunday, 03 June 2012 05:58 PM
Correction Wimal! US wants Tamil separatists take over North and East. and a henchman as the president! its no big secret.By that they will have their say! But you have become a boot licker of Rajas that no one cares for what you say these days! Bro.
12 20
Sammy Sunday, 03 June 2012 06:25 PM
This guy is suffering from Yankeephobia, among other things. Needs to consult a psychiatrist.
6 30
sahdi Sunday, 03 June 2012 06:29 PM
waachaala WANSA.......
9 29
Hussain Sunday, 03 June 2012 06:38 PM
Is this guy for real? Why on earth does he think the US wants Sri Lanka? Do they want another 20 + million people who will immediately qualify for welfare as the majority are under the poverty line per US standars. i.e. Earning below Rupees. 2,600,000.00 million for a family of four per year.
9 43
opadupa fernando pad Sunday, 03 June 2012 08:53 PM
Isn't there any body who could this wimalaya to pissankotuwa.
0 0
Hussain Sunday, 03 June 2012 10:48 PM
This statement made once by Secretary of State Colin Powell should allay our ' wimal sahodayas' fears: The story is that U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell was speaking in England. The Archbishop or Canterbury asked whether plans for a war in Iraq was really an example of "empire building" by President George Bush. Powell answered that the U.S. has sent many young men and women to fight in foreign lands but has never asked for any more land than is enough in which to bury those who did not return.
0 0
Had enough Sunday, 03 June 2012 10:51 PM
hope soon it will happen, then we can throw useless politikkas like you to the bin.
0 0
Massdeen Monday, 04 June 2012 02:50 AM
If it is so it will be good for sri lanka compared to these locals
2 8
What? Monday, 04 June 2012 02:58 AM
Just imagine the advantages: no longer the need to get visas from the U.S. embassy; private universities would flourish, including medical schools; 7Eleven stores in every neighbourhood;imported foods at reasonable prices; pavements for pedestrians to walk on; recycling centres in every town and village....the list is endless.
2 17
Bagalawathee Monday, 04 June 2012 03:03 AM
I still remember this idiot yelling in Sinhala in front of the Victorian Parliament in Melbourne. He was speaking at a meeting oranised by the JVP and all the passers by were wondering why this man is shouting in a funny language.
2 12
Leela Monday, 04 June 2012 03:20 AM
Most of you who degrade Wimal are half baked broken English speaking WOGs.
16 3
Gamarala Monday, 04 June 2012 03:20 AM
There are many different ways for a person to pronounce that he's an idiot. Thus, I like Wimal's approach but not so good as far as the country is concerned.
The world might think the country is full of clowns although we have just 225+1 and their goons
6 50
Dev Monday, 04 June 2012 03:27 AM
May be to rescue us from Mahinda's ministerial idiots like Wimal Modawansa.
2 4
Bitter Truth Monday, 04 June 2012 03:30 AM
If Srilanka is located in such a strategic location and having that many resources, why the hell this country is going down every day???
2 11
raj Monday, 04 June 2012 03:32 AM
at the same time, you frinds peris and others are often visiting US and promising what they will do in Sri Lanka. rather than issuing public statement, you should tell your friends first.
3 8
Horapasse Monday, 04 June 2012 03:38 AM
It appears that this guy's condition is getting worse by the day and he needs urgent medical attention.
4 10
wedige Monday, 04 June 2012 03:33 AM
Hope his wife and chilred see these response from the public.
3 12
Namal Monday, 04 June 2012 03:39 AM
Pissu Poosa
5 7
Jan Chandra Monday, 04 June 2012 03:46 AM
Look what happened in Libya, Egypt and the rest of the Middle East. You guys are like crabs in a pot. You would not know what hit you when things happen. Don't condemn the man. He is a true partriot.
16 5
MM Monday, 04 June 2012 03:46 AM
Boow Boow
3 7
lankashantha Monday, 04 June 2012 03:49 AM
You can beat US by gurella warfare only. Go to the forest get the help of your friends Chaves and Castro. After you are the Sri Lanka President. Your dream come true.
4 10
Sgorakana Monday, 04 June 2012 03:56 AM
You are perfectly correct.
On this I appreciate you.
21 6
Renu Monday, 04 June 2012 04:02 AM
Do not tolerate this guy and the family in the USA again . He loves to visit the country & go to Disney world & Las vagas , but foul mouthed critic of USA . Please don't issue visa to him & the family
4 23
Renu Monday, 04 June 2012 04:04 AM
President why don't you look at the comments & see how ignorant one of your Ministers in the Cabinet is. Get rid of him
6 19
Suny J fm Melbourne Monday, 04 June 2012 04:20 AM
Oh yeh...good work done in the International relations....with your greatest help..!!
2 21
DUWI Monday, 04 June 2012 04:22 AM
Well said Wimal. We all know that the US would love to have a military base in Trincomalee. Only you had the guts to say so in public.
32 8
Nadaal Monday, 04 June 2012 04:20 AM
Good looks? Now you are joking. If not for his high heels he looks like 4 feet 7 inches.
6 60
andamanda Monday, 04 June 2012 04:28 AM
elections are nearing , singing for gallery. Wimal keep your promise unplug IMF.
3 15
lankaman Monday, 04 June 2012 04:33 AM
I am a patriotic sri lankan. But the way our politiciands are ruining the country, I am sure we will have a better chance if US takes over Sri Lanka
4 14
Priyantha Monday, 04 June 2012 04:34 AM
Why this joker is allowed to talk... Talking nonsense ... Day dreaming guy
3 9
pandularajapaksa Monday, 04 June 2012 04:46 AM
Can you find a another joker like Wimal on this planet.
4 10
niyaz Monday, 04 June 2012 04:48 AM
Now we know why they were a complete failure. My male servant will do a better job than him. The other question is why do people turn up at these so called "events" to listen to a loser? It really undermines your intellect.
8 44
piyal samarakone Monday, 04 June 2012 04:44 AM
over all - we feel sorry for the proper SLFPers
3 8
Nifla Monday, 04 June 2012 04:58 AM
This man uses his kidney for thinking. he has to consult a Nephrologist soon before worsten the situation.
3 11
dev Monday, 04 June 2012 04:59 AM
1 6
wot to do Monday, 04 June 2012 05:00 AM
Wimal,tomorrow go try get a job in the private sector...I'll employ you to wash my car but,due to politics and greed you are a Hon.! Joker
US wants lanka because your wifey loves US!
1 9
ase Monday, 04 June 2012 05:03 AM
ami, this is the reason why Sri Lanka is crowned as fools paradise.
4 48
senthil Monday, 04 June 2012 05:01 AM
we have very valuable resources like Dr.Mervin and Modawansa. May be the US lacks intelligent people of the caliber of these politicians and brilliant economist of the caliber of Cabraal and Bandula who can revivie the US economy and teach them how to live onRs.2500 and develop their country
4 32
dev Monday, 04 June 2012 05:08 AM
Wimalo Tel MR not to take IMP, Since MR selling they are buying :P
MR Selling to CHINA as well
1 10
Jayan Monday, 04 June 2012 05:14 AM
Do another Fast Un to Death. You are better off dead than live.
2 15
toosh Monday, 04 June 2012 05:09 AM
Very good if they take over. So that every body get equal rights like US and promote higher education in the country. Wimla do you know that 70 percent of American have the tertiary level of education and that of we have only 5 percent.
3 14
Micky Mouse Monday, 04 June 2012 05:19 AM
The only reason the US might want to invade Sri Lanka is to create another Disney Land in our parliament with clown like You (Wimal) and are non stop idiotic entertainment!!! sad but true
1 15
banda Monday, 04 June 2012 05:16 AM
The voters who cast their preferencial to wimal have jump to Baire lake hanging on to the balloons filled with hydrogen gas.
1 9
RAJU Monday, 04 June 2012 05:27 AM
4 10
Leo Menezes Monday, 04 June 2012 05:24 AM
If the US loves Sri Lanka, why did they mobilize all diplomatic
troops to defeat SL at the UNHRC in Geneva ? Did not India
and the entire west gang up to defeat SL ? They all hate us
because of our close association with China.
They will rest only after they destabilise this country, and blackmail us to sever connections with China.
15 5
katta kuvera Monday, 04 June 2012 05:30 AM
Shut up all of you. What this wise man is trying to say is that WE must invade America before they take over us.
3 14
garawi Monday, 04 June 2012 05:32 AM
This guy is very brainy as someone said! He knows everything.
If he was born fifty years ago in SL we would not have all these problems we had for the last half century for his forsight would have helped us a lot. My foot!
2 14
maxima Monday, 04 June 2012 05:44 AM
Another Mervin Silva in the party. We can name him
Mervin Silva No.2
5 17
Harry Monday, 04 June 2012 06:13 AM
Very Good for Sri-lankans,lucky to be americans
2 12
SARATH BANDA Monday, 04 June 2012 06:28 AM
ok wimal if you say so , how do we over come this issue it appears that you are much closer to the us than we thought
2 7
M.V.R.Perera Monday, 04 June 2012 06:47 AM
It is not the US that wants to take over Sri Lanka it is India who have being plotting to take over Sri Lanka with the help of any one including the LTTE and its supporters as such Wimal is a true patriot
15 4
jayantha Monday, 04 June 2012 07:00 AM
Very good comment.I know him .He is that type of can by him at any time.
2 28
wedige Monday, 04 June 2012 07:05 AM
I think he has break a record to have so many responses from DM readers - Congrataulation WW.
2 6
samson Monday, 04 June 2012 07:28 AM
It was abt human rights which was raised at Geneva. It was the same pressure which led to SF's release.
1 13
Mr Stupid Monday, 04 June 2012 07:44 AM
Why don't you go back to school and learn something useful, perhaps taking a job as a carpentar would be very ideal to you.
Calling you an idiot is far more superior. Your just a brainless goon with no self-respect.
2 12
Raymond Punchisingho Monday, 04 June 2012 07:46 AM
Wimal must be having high hopes of getting US citizenship. After all most Sri Lankans will yearn for for a Green Card however much they may curse the USA.
Or is it a case of sour grapes.
2 10
Javi Monday, 04 June 2012 07:46 AM
He can publish magazine once a month with his political jokes, high demand for his Jokes!!!
2 10
Lankan Monday, 04 June 2012 08:06 AM
They know our politicians are Jungi wearing jokers.
2 12
Renu Monday, 04 June 2012 08:07 AM
I don't have your present E mail address now that you have given up, to send these comments to you but you need to have English to Sinhala translator
2 8
Hussain Monday, 04 June 2012 08:48 AM
The US has one of the biggest bases just south of Sri Lanka in the island of Diego Garcia. They dont need Trinco. The US Navy operates one of their largest naval ship and submarine support bases, military air base, communications and space tracking facilities, and an anchorage for pre-positioned military supplies for regional operations aboard Military Sealift Command ships in the lagoon.
0 0
Hussain Monday, 04 June 2012 08:54 AM
Yes, he is a very misguided patriot of sorts.
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
0 0
Jagath Leanage Monday, 04 June 2012 09:34 AM
wimalo, upawasayak karamuda U.S.Embasy eka langa horen biscuit kaka.godak wela inna wenne neha,M.R. evilla wathura powai.Rupavahini,I.T.N.& C.S.N. eke ehemath pennai live.
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Barath Monday, 04 June 2012 09:46 AM
What President has to say about WWs remarks? Is that only his personal view?
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Jamisappu Monday, 04 June 2012 10:46 AM
A monkey in a bird's nest
0 0
rehan Monday, 04 June 2012 11:02 AM
ella ella
0 0
Brum, Jose Monday, 04 June 2012 11:27 AM
He is a few cents short of the Dollar ( err... Rupee... Err funny money!).
0 1
sharowana Monday, 04 June 2012 11:41 AM
Wimal is talking about Uswetakiyaawa when he says U.S. and not about America.
1 3
bo Monday, 04 June 2012 11:48 AM
So that's alright, no? Then we will have the US constitution, which is a lot better than the non-working constitution of Sri Lanka. Everybody can go to US free of obstruction, and we will all be rich. The only thing is layabouts like weerawansa will have to work hard, and you will only get 20-days paid holiday per year. And if you are not productive, you will get fired. I think this is an excellent recipe for the lazy Sri Lanka. LOL
0 2
krishna Monday, 04 June 2012 12:02 PM
Yes ,they are looking for you ,for your golden brain [kidney]
1 6
Yaluwa Monday, 04 June 2012 12:19 PM
We have two comedians in our parliament. one is Wimal.I like the other better if he talks. But wimal's jokes are also amusing us. If there are no USA, IMF or LTTE wimal has no future in politics.
1 6
chamara de silva Monday, 04 June 2012 12:26 PM
The Truth of the matter is Wee Flower gets paid from the Chinese Overseas Intelligence Apparatus 'The Guo an bu'.
It is the goal of chinese to take over SL not The Americans .
2 4
Real peace Monday, 04 June 2012 12:42 PM
.......yes, the US is doing this to make WW the President of the US !!
2 6
Rec Monday, 04 June 2012 12:44 PM
Please start acting in tele dramas, then we can enjoy weekly.
you will find experienced supporting actors also.
1 6
ahamed Monday, 04 June 2012 12:57 PM
I think he never read any news paper? he used to give such type of funny statements continuesly, specially during absent of MR
1 5
Richardson Monday, 04 June 2012 01:18 PM
One way ticket to Angoda.
0 0
Yasindu Monday, 04 June 2012 02:46 PM
Great. Then Wimal can also can get the Green Card like Gotta, Basil and Dallas
1 11
maven Monday, 04 June 2012 04:10 PM
Like a village idiot, this moron is the Parliament Idiot
0 3
suwaris Monday, 04 June 2012 04:15 PM
Yippeeeeee!!!! Open visa for United States.... What great news!!!!
0 5
Gona Monday, 04 June 2012 07:06 PM
we will be the 52nd state !! sudden promotion to a 1st world country and atleast we can travel to almost half the countries in the world and get visa on arrival
0 2
Nihal Monday, 04 June 2012 08:26 PM
Absolutely no chance as long as WW is there. It would be WWIII
I am sure he will laugh them off!
0 0
agasthi Monday, 04 June 2012 09:26 PM
This guy likes the theory of any publicity is good. He will even put his pants down to appear in TV. Folk should not comment or listen to his speeches.
0 1
Mr. B Wijeyasingha Monday, 04 June 2012 10:50 PM
I agree with Minister Wimal Weerawansa. There is to much of pressure to hasten the military removal from Jaffna and the eastern provinces when the US still maintains troops in Japan, Italy and Germany from world war 2 when there is no threat from these nations and maintains troops in South Korea from a war in the 1950's when South Korea is quite capable of defending herself from North Korea. The US and India's "containment" policy against China would make Sri Lanka's strategic position attractive to all parties. Since TESO has been resurrected I believe another attempt at Eelam is forming and it would be wise to preempt the US or Indian plans to further their power at the expense of Sri Lanka by forming an alliance with China.
7 1
Tissa Monday, 04 June 2012 11:33 PM
IDOT's - are a many / wise men are a few . go to sleep fool.
0 1
Independent Observer Tuesday, 05 June 2012 12:21 AM
If Sri Lanka is tken over by the USA , it wil do a lot of good to Sri Lanka !
2 4
Gamarala Tuesday, 05 June 2012 01:27 AM
no he won't. he's not talking from his mouth but ....... ...
0 2
Upul Jayawardene Tuesday, 05 June 2012 01:25 AM
wimal please Ask Gota and GL Peiris why they are begging the U.S.and india to train our Military in these countries. Are these trained officers going to take over the country on behalf of the U.S.and India.. Stop jabbering like an idiot you fool
0 1
Land Rover Tuesday, 05 June 2012 03:34 AM
food for thought ! the US feels insecure with China developing into a super they will be taking control of strategic locations in the map. And Sri Lanka is one of those location since its an Island and surrounded by the Middle East, India and China. So Wimal could be right.
1 1
Nodrog Tuesday, 05 June 2012 03:46 AM
They take it in turns to utter nonsense, first Wimal, then Mervyn, bandula, Keheliya, there a competition for the most idiotic comment?
1 7
Sigirilanda Tuesday, 05 June 2012 03:49 AM
entrance to the Sigiriya is better, folks at the parlument never buy pea nuts. They all go there for free lunch
0 3
Mayu Tuesday, 05 June 2012 03:51 AM
What about China!
0 0
LOTUS Tuesday, 05 June 2012 03:59 AM
Muuuuuuu ta pissuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!
0 1
Kapila Tuesday, 05 June 2012 04:42 AM
No No USA! Yes Yes Saudi Arabia!
3 0
Chris Tuesday, 05 June 2012 05:41 AM
Wonder from where he got all this information. Looks like he got a mole in the CIA. Obama you better watch out Wilmal is spying on you.
What Sri Lanka need in not loose mouths to rule this country, but people who has a head.
0 2
CITIZEN Tuesday, 05 June 2012 07:52 AM
Then where will you be? Please leave behind your Google or Yahoo ID. We love to get your comments thereafter!
0 0
roshan raz Tuesday, 05 June 2012 08:30 AM
hoo hoo. those days are gone. this is not world war 2. usa wants miltary base in trinco??? very are another modawansa
0 0
chamara de silva Tuesday, 05 June 2012 09:08 AM
This is for B Wijesingha who seems to think he knows a thing or two about US Foreign and Defence policy.First of all germany,italy and japan wanted to keep the US Bases and still shoulder most of the expenses because they need the American Protection (and still need) to counter the Russian Menance during the cold war era .Now that torch of red evil has been passed on to the chinese so they still have to keep these bases intact .That was why recently the Aussies invited the Americans to set up bases in Northern Australia.
As for South Korea ,They are out numbered and out gunned by the commies in the north by 6-1,they should keep the American safetly net work for their sheer survival.How do you know they could thwart a north korean invasion all by themelves .Was it tatooed in the of some korean you met at one of the massage parlours in colombo?
0 1
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