Tue, 04 Jun 2024 Today's Paper

US nominee to Sri Lanka prioritizes fair access to ports for all ships

11 May 2024 12:53 pm - 10     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Colombo, May  (Daily Mirror)- Amid concerns over the presence of Chinese research vessels conducting surveys in the Indian Ocean, the US nominee to Sri Lanka Elizabeth K. Horst assured the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee to work with Sri Lanka to ensure a moratorium on these vessels remains in place.

The Senate committee raised questions about the potential national security threat posed by the vessels, which are believed to have links to the China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and display suspicious behavior. Horst emphasized the importance of collaboration with Sri Lanka to enhance their capabilities in patrolling their waters and defending sovereignty. The issue of the moratorium on Chinese vessels in Sri Lankan ports is at the forefront of discussions surrounding regional security concerns.

“We are working to make sure there is fair access to ports for all ships,” she said adding that “We have huge concerns and we have asked for that moratorium. We think it is Sri Lanka’s best interest.”

She also said "…cooperation with Sri Lanka is a key part of our security assistance. It is important for the Sri Lankans to have the capability and technology to patrol their own waters and defend their sovereignty. If I am confirmed, we will work with them to build their own capabilities.”

She also noted that the US government's investment in Sri Lanka demonstrated a transparent and different model of investment, giving Sri Lankans a choice in their economic partnerships. Horst also committed to finding ways to further support and strengthen US activities in the region if confirmed.

Commenting on the economic situation in Sri Lanka, she said that the IMF is working closely with partners in the Sri Lankan government to make sure they can get back on better economic footing. “We are making sure any debt negotiations treat partners fairly. There is an element of the IMF program that looks at governments to make sure that any programs also take care to the most vulnerable and are spread fairly. If I'm confirmed, I will look to follow in the steps of the ambassador Chung or to make sure we continue to work with the IMF to help Sri Lanka,” she said.

“Sri Lanka is a vital partner to the United States in the Indo-Pacific region, and it has been for over 76 years. If confirmed, I would focus on three main pillars of the U.S.-Sri Lanka relationship: broadening our economic cooperation, bolstering our security interests, and deepening our ties with Sri Lanka’s diverse and vibrant population,” she said.

She further said that if confirmed she will support members of marginalized populations in Sri Lanka, accountability, truth and reconciliation, and transparency and justice.

In response to a question about the human rights situation in Sri Lanka, she said, "If I'm confirmed, you have my commitment to work with your committee and with Congress to ensure we are holding everyone accountable to the international standards we want them to adhere to."


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  Comments - 10

  • Shiv Saturday, 11 May 2024 01:40 PM

    Dear Ambassador Designate, the geopolitical considerations that you emphasized needs to also be looked at from a Sri Lankan perspective if you wish to garner the support of the Sri Lankans. When I say this, I mean the public at large. Whilst thanking your present ambassador in formulating a strict demand and advise to the former president to refrain from the human rights violations during the political upheaval a few years ago that led to the downfall of the then president, it is vital that you win over the public support, which in my view the Chinese have done very well. One aspect of this is the vital inflow of investments to the country. Your contribution to the Ukrainian and Israeli governments shows the ability of the US to demonstrate your willingness to entice and provide the support a government and the public requires. Having a public-private investment program whereby the Sri lankan public gains (through business and social partnrships) will shift the balance towards the US.

    Rip Winkle Saturday, 11 May 2024 01:49 PM

    Hark! One can already hear protests.

    Mano Saturday, 11 May 2024 03:50 PM

    America is 248 yers old whereas Sri Lanka is over 5000 years old. Americans don’t have even a language of their own , they adopted English as their language, whereas Sri Lankan languages Sinhalese and Tamil are own languages of the Sinhalese and Tamils. In America there are thousands of brown and yellow skin people doing advanced research in Science, Technology, and Mathematics and thus benefitting America to be the leader the world whereas in Sri Lanka we don’t use foreigners to benefit our country. Finally, if Israel can claim Palestine as their own land after more than two thousand years based on what is written in the bible, then the Native Indians would one day demand the Whites to quit America for stealing it recently. If any troll snipes at saying Sri Lankans also took over the land from Vedas then the response is White Americans killed and wiped out 90% of the Native Indians but Sri Lankans didn’t destroy the Vedas who are still continuing their unaffected life.

    Mendis Saturday, 11 May 2024 05:41 PM

    Hey Americans, the Chinese are not our enemies but you are trying to make it look like China is our enemy. You could not try this with Maldives because it has just elected an intellectual as its leader ( he did his bachelors and masters at UCL and PhD in Leeds - source Wikipedia ) and he can’t be fooled or pushed around like what you are doing with the semi educated and low intelligent Sri Lankan politicians.

    S.K Kumara Saturday, 11 May 2024 10:12 PM

    Working with a known group of rouges and the oppressive government that limits and violate the basic fundamental rights of the people only indicate the ulterior motives of the US government. We are a sovereignty nation does not need any one's instructions to determine who comes in to out ports and water.

    navaratna bandara willamune Sunday, 12 May 2024 09:56 AM

    Mr Jayasiri, who is paying you to write these articles?you are very naive.read broadly, not only from western media outlets,they are anti chinies/ russian.America have over thousand army/navy bases around the world, their submarines are all over the sea 24/7.you are just worried about a chinese vessels coming to SL

    Seqi Sunday, 12 May 2024 10:00 AM

    Stupid only knows stupid.

    Cannot trust India as it guards is fisherman to pillage our waters Sunday, 12 May 2024 10:29 AM

    India our nearest neighbor only uses it coast guard to support it's citizens to come into our waters. We should ask China Coast guard to assist to repel Indian fisherman. Why is US doing this pointless blocking. Their future envoy clearly has agenda to influence our politicians.

    Tissa Fernando Monday, 13 May 2024 10:27 AM

    They are appointing Chinese DNA personnel in Sri Lanka.

    Kays Monday, 13 May 2024 10:32 AM

    A presidential hopeful demanding $1Bn from the oil

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