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"I feel if the educated and established citizens of this country leave this country in the hands of the current lot of politicians and their close circles nothing much of value will remain that is uniquely Sri Lankan except for a collection of works by the old Kings of Sri Lanka who governed in an exemplary manner leaving much behind for the future generations"
Citizens of Sri Lanka living both in and out of the country are longing for credible, competent and far-sighted public servants, office bearers and political leadership at all levels starting from Parliament downwards.
I have experienced first hand the levels of incompetence, self-centredness and lack of far sightedness by our public servants, Foreign Service members and in particular our political leadership.
Despite repeated calls from the highest offices of Sri Lanka to promote Sri Lanka and attract investors, the actual intent and competent people in key positions are lacking to help convert the opportunities that are coming our way. Everything feels like a show and an eye wash carried out by square pegs in round holes.
Be it trying to realise investment in to Sri Lanka or collect and send much needed flood relief to Sri Lanka in June of 2017 has been almost always hampered by either incompetent or highly disorganized and short sighted public servants, Foreign Service office bearers and politicians.
As a citizen it is difficult to not feel cheated by those elected. The country has the feeling of a ship that is sailing without purpose and measurable objectives and most importantly a long term National plan and Policy for key sectors such as investment promotion, health, education, agriculture, tourism, Marine and Ports, Aviation, law and order and most spheres that are usually the drivers of countries that have achieved sustainable real growth.
"What is the mechanism to ensure that a high percentage of job fits are appointed to key positions of national significance such as key ministries, key High Commissions and key institutions of the Country to facilitate growth and bolster living standards and wipe out undesired practices and daylight robbery and cover up"
Then again with a majority of lawmakers that lack the knowledge, will and sincere intentions; it is no surprise that we are after almost 70 years of Independence; in the precarious position we find ourselves in. In the past 25 years, countries such as Vietnam have accelerated their growth compared to Sri Lanka with exports driving the economy instead of debt funded infrastructure projects that had no visible business plan to generate revenue post completion but instead only adding a burden to Country. Even here, there are no creative solutions and instead a few that control and influence al key decisions in the country view; selling or divesting in the short term as the solution.
I feel if the educated and established citizens of this country leave this country in the hands of the current lot of politicians and their close circles nothing much of value will remain that is uniquely Sri Lankan except for a collection of works by the old Kings of Sri Lanka who governed in an exemplary manner leaving much behind for the future generations.
In advanced and highly developed countries such as Switzerland and Singapore where I have lived, studied and worked for nearly 15 years; I observed that public servants, Foreign Service office bearers and politicians facilitated and contributed towards achieving national policies and objectives, which were in the first place set by highly competent, experienced and caring specialists with the full backing of the political leaders with a vision. The people too articulated their expectations clearly and objectively and kept the politicians connected to ground realities.
Unfortunately in Sri Lanka in a majority of the key positions starting from Parliament downwards; we have highly incompetent occupants with a sense of entitlement and in their full support a group of relatives, friends, cronies and sycophants in the layers immediately below as to insulate the top levels and give them a sense of untouchability. I firmly believe that these jokers pose the biggest threat to Sri Lanka and not any diaspora group nor a religious group of fanatics.
"Why do the so-called experienced and far sighted leaders of our main political parties continue to give nominations to buffoons who would even at times find it difficult to get an unskilled labourers’ job?"
The current Unity Government headed by President MS and PM RW should understand that decent Citizens of Sri Lanka are disgusted with the actions of the Government in certain areas and the non-action in others. The very first actions of nepotism and cronyism might have even been forgiven by a majority had the other key election promises on fighting corruption, bringing to book those who committed massive frauds and ushering in an era of prosperity to the common man other than the politicians and the select few around them were embarked on with a genuine intention and sense of urgency.
To the disbelief and utter disgust of those living both in and outside Sri Lanka we see almost every day a widening of the gulf between what was promised and what is carried out. Corrupt and aimless (that is when it comes to public service) buffoons ride and rule the streets of Sri Lanka parading their power and affluence while trampling the very people who elected them and imposing more and more hardship on their daily lives.
Since independence I feel a majority of our recent (post 1990) public servants, Foreign Service representatives (especially political appointees), office bearers and political leadership at all levels starting from Parliament downwards have let us down. The evidence is overwhelming. We have had very little in terms of national policies, allowed a difference in positions to blow out into a full on 30 yearlong brutal war, reduced our national economy in to a state that is on life support, nearly destroyed our education system and health care system, public transport and infrastructure is 40 years behind where it should be given we were only behind Japan when Singapore aspired to be another Colombo in 1965, the law and order situation is a mess and growth sectors are mainly drugs, human trafficking and other nefarious activities mostly with the patronage of those in positions of power. We speak proudly about what our ancestors achieved and yet do very little to preserve our traditions and heritage.
Living in Singapore, which learnt from Sri Lanka and avoided the mistakes we made due to having a leader like former PM Lee Kuan Yew and a team that was highly competent and put country first; I ask myself the following questions every day with a view to finding a solution to Sri Lanka’s present predicament and do our part as citizens to lift Mother Lanka out of her present misery and restore her to the rightful place where all of us can be proud again to be Sri Lankan citizens:
"Unfortunately in Sri Lanka in a majority of the key positions starting from Parliament downwards; we have highly incompetent occupants with a sense of entitlement and in their full support a group of relatives, friends, cronies and sycophants in the layers immediately below as to insulate the top levels and give them a sense of untouchability"
As a Citizen I care and continue to care and act. I think it is high time we expect more from our elected and appointed public servants, Foreign Service, office bearers and political leadership at all levels starting from Parliament downwards and search for the facts rather than be misled and fooled by a minority of incompetent and unscrupulous people portraying themselves to be the People’s Representatives.