makes gifting even more exciting with premium services     Follow

The Sri Lankan-made gifting solution - - recently upgraded its offerby introducing Premium Services to help users throw a memorable surprise for their loved ones. is a website where users around the world can create GiftSmart Cards – personalized greeting cards with a value of their choice, customizable for any occasion. To redeem the value, GiftSmart Card recipients simply visit the website and select gift vouchers from one or more of their favorite shops in Sri Lanka.
The platform was created to facilitate the act of gifting for both gift givers and recipients, eliminating the need for stressful gift hunts and preventing the accumulation of unwanted gifts.’s newly introduced Premium Services are meant to further facilitate this process, as well as give the solution an exciting spin.  Users who opt for the newly introduced Premium Services will enjoy high quality printing of their GiftSmart Card, as well as the surprise delivery to their recipients anywhere in Sri Lanka on any day specified. Users can also add cakes and flowers to accompany their GiftSmartCard for any delivery within Colombo. 
Bhagya Koralagamage, 25, an executive at a leading IT company endorsed claiming that GiftSmart Cards have become an indispensable part of her organization’s celebrations, while the Premium Services came as “the icing on the cake.”
“Before we started using, we had to work around our busy schedules and spend hours looking for suitable gifts for our colleagues,” said Koralagamage. “In the end, we were never really sure whether they liked what we picked out. It was always a daunting task, but we did it because we wanted our colleagues to have a special day. “ “With it’s a matter of taking a fun selfie or creating a unique design, uploading it into our GiftSmart Card, writing a note and picking a value we have the budget for,” she continued. “Now with Premium Services we don’t even have to step out of the office . It is all handled by the Team. But the best part is that our colleagues get the freedom to choose what they want, while they have something we created to keep as a memory. It is a gift that everyone is always excited to receive.”
As’s Premium Services are gaining momentum,’s Product Director Channa De Silvaannounced that the team is already developing the next big upgrade. More news of it are expected at the end of this month. 
“We are always looking for ways to make the experience of gifting more special, memorable, and practical for the gift givers and their recipients alike,” said Channa De Silva. “That is the essence of”


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