Mon, 10 Jun 2024 Today's Paper

Plans afoot to sell Milco, Highland to India’s Amul: AKD

2 October 2023 02:58 pm - 26     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Plans are afoot to sell Milco, Highland and 31 dairy farms owned by the National Livestock Development Board (NLDB) to India's Amul Diary Company, NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake said.

He said Cabinet approval has already been granted to sell Milco while another Cabinet Paper has been finalised to sell off 'Highland' to India's Amul Diary Company.

Addressing the NPP Mawanella Electoral Convention, Dissanayake said 21 dairy farms including Adigama, Ridiyagama, Narammala and Polonnaruwa dairy farms belonging to the NLDB will be sold according to the plan.

He said two committees have been appointed in this regard and added that one committee has been tasked to value the land, trees and plantation in the farms while the second committee headed by NLDB Director General has been tasked to value the animals and equipment in the farms.

"We know the condition of our 31 dairy farms. We can't be satisfied about their conditions. We must be able to get the maximum benefits from the resources there. The rulers are not interested in doing so. They should have used the best technology and develop them. They are loss-making due to the actions of the rulers," he said. (Ajith Siriwardana)

  Comments - 26

  • Sell this Monday, 02 October 2023 03:12 PM

    Why not selling SriLankan Airlines first?? BECAUSE, every POLITICIANS unethically benefit from this entity. That is why it is still running in loss. MR put his BIL and destroyed it. Still the same ideology is adopted

    City Monday, 02 October 2023 05:27 PM

    Who is going to buy....

    Paramanathan Tuesday, 03 October 2023 06:35 AM

    No one is there to buy Srilankan Airlines due to the fact that the financial condition of the company is beyond repairs. Condition of the aircrafts is in deplorable condition and the it is hopelessly over staff. It is cost effective to incorporate a new airline business than buying the ruined business. Actual fact is that government is unable to manage even the dairy farms profitably under MILCO. Top to bottom all are corrupted and will not spare even organizations like MILCO. This is utterly shameless situation created by the governments since the independence.

    Kushan Monday, 02 October 2023 03:14 PM

    Why not. At least they will run it at a profit! The givernment has run these institutions to the ground over the years and that included the time the JVP were part of the government too. We all remember the anti-Indian sentiment foatered by the JVP some years ago.

    Tulseth Monday, 02 October 2023 03:18 PM

    It is not the rulers to blame only. It is very much the people who run it, and to some extent those who work for it. So many have an entitlement culture that has not served any good. Selling them off is the best thing that could happen.

    Ram Monday, 02 October 2023 03:18 PM

    Selling bankrupt Companies is beyond any imagination. Stop unsuitable political appointments to such places and appoint people who have shown acumen from the private sector

    Jayantha Monday, 02 October 2023 03:29 PM

    If government keeps on doing business it leads to corruption and also loss at some point. Best thing is to give these to pvt sector. Probably gov can keep a certain percentage of shares but with a condition that government cannot interfere in to management. When ever a government institute is having a massive loss that loss has to be covered by public funds. Such things increases taxes and creates high cost of living. Government sector should be reduced to one third of current force and automate. Otherwise this country will never be able to survive on its own without loans.

    Usprabath Monday, 02 October 2023 03:47 PM

    All are responsible for this inclement pathatic situation in the country including irresponsible citizens. Therefore need strict measures to take not to rerepeat the same mistakes atleast again.

    Sarath Monday, 02 October 2023 03:48 PM

    If this happens, that will be the best thing for MILCO. Eventually, it will run profitably But our guys are too lazy to work, and resist introduction of any new technology

    Gamini Monday, 02 October 2023 03:50 PM

    Dr.Kurien the legendary scientist behind the cooperative plan and success of Amul-This should be handed over to Amul if SL's are not capable of running it. MR tried to sell the Kirimandala Mw land to a property Developer. This plan is better, at least the industry continues

    Tilak Monday, 02 October 2023 03:51 PM

    That is indeed very great news. But why is this fellow trying to make it sound sinister?

    nadarajah Monday, 02 October 2023 03:53 PM

    better to sell it before it is run down by the politician

    Pradeep Monday, 02 October 2023 03:53 PM

    When CPC petrol sheds were handed over to LIOC, they turned it profitable and paid billions in taxes to the SL govt. apart from making regular contributions to the Presidents fund. Mark my word, AMUL will turn it around and give a tuff competition to the other local dairy business

    Indunil Monday, 02 October 2023 03:56 PM

    Milco is peanuts, MUST sell SriLankan Airlines soon

    Chris Monday, 02 October 2023 04:16 PM

    Which is a good thing. Will definitely be having great butter, ghee and milk. Why is AKD against everything. Has he got a better plan to run the place efficiently? His people only know to strike and sabotage.

    chux Monday, 02 October 2023 04:30 PM

    Its a good move innocent citizens will not have any life by not doing so SOEs managed over the years by peoples money and unions,officials and politicians had a ball of a time.

    kumar Monday, 02 October 2023 04:35 PM

    The major issue is that these government institutions are making losses as a result of poor management and political influences. Which leads to the general people having to bear the losses through different levies. We can avoid these losses if we give to the private sector.

    Priyan66 Monday, 02 October 2023 04:42 PM

    JVP led unions make demands to increase salaries. then these SOEs are loss making and as people we have to maintain corrupt politicians

    Sanju Monday, 02 October 2023 06:04 PM

    It had been profited under AKD who was in agricultural minister for the period 2004/2005.

    Nuwan Monday, 02 October 2023 06:13 PM

    Why not? Yes, new technology is the answer, but how do you find money for the upgrade? A private investor will upgrade, run it efficiently, reduce waste and will make profit. The government can tax the profit.

    Jeenath Monday, 02 October 2023 06:45 PM

    AMUL is one of India's leading dairy companies. Seling Milco to Amul will lead to better inovation, management and products.

    donsimon Monday, 02 October 2023 07:11 PM

    Sell all of it I would say.

    Mary Thiagarajah Monday, 02 October 2023 10:39 PM

    We Sri Lankans can take over these businesses from the government and make them profitable. Unfortunately Chinese and Indians are benefiting. Are we NOT capable to do this?

    Tissa Fernando Monday, 02 October 2023 11:27 PM

    After sale you will get to drink contaminated milk.

    citizen x Tuesday, 03 October 2023 08:20 AM

    Make sure that there is correct pricing of private produce and privatize these enterprises, the govt can invest tax money into infra, education, health etc. It is good to privatize what the govt cant run efficiently. Other countries who did that made great strides in asia and africa, AKD want to take us back the the 80s. Thuuh!

    Pubudu Tuesday, 03 October 2023 12:09 PM

    Are there no SL companies that can purchase this MILCO and run it profitably

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