Mon, 10 Jun 2024 Today's Paper


No revisions in bus or three-wheeler fares

1 December 2023 08:55 am - 8     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Colombo, Dec.1 (Daily Mirror) - Considering the recent fuel price revision, the Lanka Private Bus Owners' Association (LPBOA), the Inter-Provincial Private Bus Owners' Association (IPPBOA), and three-wheeler associations claimed that there would be no fare revisions to bus and three-wheeler fares.

The bus associations claimed that Rs. 27 was reduced from the diesel retail price last night. Earlier, the retail price was reduced by Rs. 5, and the price was Rs. 356.

"When the diesel fuel price was increased by Rs. 15, we used to bear the cost and did not increase the bus fare. However, considering the previous fuel price revisions, the total diesel price was reduced by Rs. 15. Now we cannot reduce the bus fares, as we used to provide the service at a higher cost. We think now we are starting to recover our costs slowly," he said.

Therefore, it is not possible to reduce the bus fare, as the recent fuel price revision was Rs. 27.

Meanwhile, the three-wheeler associations claimed that they were also unable to reduce the three-wheeler fare. "It is unfavorable to announce fuel price revisions from time to time. We cannot think of the amount of reducing the three-wheeler fare," the associations said.

Therefore, we have decided not to have a taxi fare revision at this time.

  Comments - 8

  • Chryshan Friday, 01 December 2023 09:31 AM

    Only they revise these fares when prices go up upwards. When it comes down they ignore.

    D P P Prasad Friday, 01 December 2023 09:44 AM

    The reduction of the fuel prices are some sort of consolation to the both private bus owners as well as three wheeler owners. Through this reduction such owners can keep a considerable mark up. Whatsoever some relentless three wheeler drivers charge exorbitant fares without heeding the poverty of the commuters

    Ama Friday, 01 December 2023 09:45 AM

    Gemunu may have an idea of contesting in the next PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. He used to make some statements in the recent past. Our people may vote for him.

    joshua Friday, 01 December 2023 10:47 AM

    Ah this Gemunu has to open his mouth after each revision.

    GHT Friday, 01 December 2023 01:37 PM

    So, except for the private vehicle owners, the recent reduction in Petrol and Diesel should not be applied to Private (Route) Buses and three-wheelers operating as hiring and for them, should be sold for un-reduced prices.

    Kandy Friday, 01 December 2023 02:14 PM

    The Private bus owners

    Rip Winkle Friday, 01 December 2023 02:34 PM

    Greed. The word adequately sums up the reason why this beautiful island is in such a pathetic situation today.

    Dee Friday, 01 December 2023 09:17 PM

    Compliments to those who worship the junction 3 wheeler driver. Continue using the ‘poor man’ paying higher than AC car rates!

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