Former confidant gets the cold shoulder!


There was a prominent whiz kind in the days of the R-regime, who had a greater say regarding foreign matters than the top team member holding the portfolio.  

Following the fall of the R-regime, the man had to go into oblivion. However, having once tasted power and perks, he could not remain a nonentity for long. So, it was rumoured in political circles that he tried his best to warm his way into the graces of the new powers that be by turning traitor to his former ‘master’.  
When his former ‘master’ suddenly became the country’s Number Two, the whiz kid had decided that his malefic period was over and paid a visit to the latter’s official residence at Wijerama Mawatha.  

The security men at the former ‘master’s residence gave no warm welcome to the whiz kind but allowed him to remain at the doorstep.  
 However, the former ‘master’ who betrayed his surprise with an ‘ah!’ ignored the former confidante got in the waiting car which sped away.  


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