Samsung launches ‘Members Live’ exclusive unpacked experience via Zoom


Samsung, Sri Lanka’s No.1 smartphone brand, recently unveiled their exclusive unpacked programme for Samsung members, titled Members Live. The event was held on August 10th through Zoom.

There were over 350 participants worldwide, from which many Sri Lankan members also had a chance to take part. The Members Unpacked programme was held to unveil Galaxy Z Fold4, and Galaxy Z Flip4 and give first-hand experience to Samsung members.

“We are excited to introduce our new flagships Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4, with the novel technology introduced by Samsung. 

We are happy to see the excitement of Samsung members to get the first-hand experience of newly launched, advanced products. A local Samsung Member also stood a chance to win a flagship at the event and unbox the new technology live. Our participants from Sri Lanka had a wonderful and exciting time through the Members Live event and we are looking forward to launching more projects like this in the future,” said Kevin SungSu YOU, Managing Director, Samsung Sri Lanka. 

Samsung aims to maximize members’ satisfaction by leveraging personal engagement at a real place for conversation, education, sharing and interaction through the Members Live event. The Members Live online event included social media challenges, NFT invitations, Live Lucky Draw and Highlight films. There were also AR invitations for members to increase engagement. This invitation was created with AR technology, featuring NFT’s key image. By scanning the QR code, Members can access the AR invitation.

During the event, Members had their greeting session to break the ice. 
Host & Members can chat about NFT, which also featured a digital giveaway. There was also a Quiz show about Galaxy using the zoom platform. The lucky draw allowed members to unbox the latest products exclusively for other Members to watch live.

The final social experience featured a photo competition where, during Members live, the participants were allowed to take a photo or capture a screen of the show. Members have captured exciting moments and shared them on social media with the hashtags #SamsungMembers #SamsungUnpacked to share the experiences of Members Live Unpacked programme and newly launched flagship products with others.

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