The University Grants Commission (UGC) today informed Supreme Court that it will not decide on admitting new students to universities till the issue relating to Z- score is over.
Comments - 40
Comments - No uni admissions till Z- score issue is over
R.Dias Tuesday, 07 August 2012 06:26 AM
They cannot stop the aging of the children...
ajith fernando Tuesday, 07 August 2012 03:17 AM
Get my curse and get lost on the street.
S.Mhadwa Tuesday, 07 August 2012 04:06 AM
Let He the president to appoint a another committee and play with young people’s life getting older without giving opportunities of their education allowing all politicians and their Hench men to eat tax payers money
bandara Tuesday, 07 August 2012 04:18 AM
May I add a key point here. When a young Sri Lankan not getting University education in time, there will be a ripple effect on educational knowledge of his or her parents. sisters and brothers, making them dumb to dumber or stupid to stupider with time. Cunning Politicians use this as a tool to check balance and measure their strength of electability to govern over the poorer. Time for public to counter measure politicians and we need a country with education put 1st.
Manju Tuesday, 07 August 2012 04:14 AM
The pepole who have money will go overseas and complete the overseas degree ..but this our poor students will wait ages only to go to the university..see the difference.. then in side the university strikes.. take another additonal years to complete.. after every thing..when he came out from university no jobs..due overage..
Don Bosco Tuesday, 07 August 2012 04:36 AM
Z-score was a mockery the UGC introduced to enroll students into universities. Everybody knows that Z-scores are a way of standardizing exam results, and thus some students will definitely get affected when changes are done. We have two different groups of students and combing them to get a single Z-score is madness.
Punchi Putha Tuesday, 07 August 2012 05:15 AM
Again does this issue needs King's intervention?
Daya Tuesday, 07 August 2012 05:59 AM
Non-academic, acedemic and minor staff strikes. In addition student clashes and student uni management clashes lead to an average of 1yr delay on 4yr study programme on state universities. Now even the examination itself causing further delay. who is going take responsibility for stole the precious time of this young generation.
Jagath Leanage Tuesday, 07 August 2012 06:02 AM
Politicians do not know the valuve of "Education" as most of them are not educated.
sansee Tuesday, 07 August 2012 06:07 AM
hae!!! you said correctly. they must hurry with this matter. will they???? every students wasting their young days without any usage. in fact they play with innocent young students.
sobey Tuesday, 07 August 2012 03:02 AM
You are exactly right. But the problem is no body understands the issue and playing the pathetic politicla game. This is not an issue related to Z -score but a proble associated with alloaction of available seats between old and new syllabus. I feel they should have informed the situation quite early, before the z-score has been released.
prasanna Tuesday, 07 August 2012 06:59 AM
Z-score conflict has become worst due to the lack of well educated staff both in the educational ministry as well as in the educational department.This is really a pathetic situation and also it proves in both of these establishments are full with uneducated politically influenced staff. The responsible authorities must take immediate action to correct this serious matter,or must look for the assistance of India where they handle huge number of exams without any serious confusion.
Sumith Tuesday, 07 August 2012 07:22 AM
What is the purpose of Having University grant Commission? So called UGC having old and mature senior professors. Are they too old? Politically motivated? Why this UGC play like this? How much do they eat public money? How long does government allowed to this game? Remove all inefficient people and replace with quality educated people but not politically motivated people.
Don Tuesday, 07 August 2012 08:42 AM
Calculation of the Z-score for a single stream of students for different subjects is a good way to bring the level of difficulty to a single level. The application of the different sets of Z scores of the old and new syllabi in selecting students to the universities have been entirely wrong since the inception of Z score in early 2000. It is absolutely foolish to put the two sets of Z-scores for the old and new syllabi in a single merit list and select students. By doing this the UGC does a huge injustice to certain students. I think the UGC has no way out of this mess. God bless Sri Lanka.
Bawa Tuesday, 07 August 2012 10:36 AM
I request the university grand commison to give me a chance to resolve this "Z" score issue and speed up the university entrance-
Well said. That is the only solution to this mess.
prathp Wednesday, 08 August 2012 07:44 AM
Shirani Bandaranayake is the one who is always delaying the judgements. August 30th is too late to hear the petition filed by the affected students. she should fix a date early as possible before 0th. then only the UGC can make alterations according to her judgment and release the cut off soon. we the students are eagerly waiting to see our future. Madam please take this into consideration.....
Indrajith Wednesday, 08 August 2012 11:53 AM
Very true. On the pretext of doing a service to the education sector they are attending to their private business whilst on an indefinite strike.
colin Wednesday, 08 August 2012 11:59 AM
It was just to accommodate white clad puppies' friends to go to foreign universities on time. Especially the medical colleges in Bangladesh. China and Russia started in the first week of January 2012.
Doctor Wednesday, 08 August 2012 12:07 PM
The only criteria that could be considered at this juncture is the past percentages of ist attempt and repeaters admission to the unis. From past records it is visible that other than for medicine all the other streams including for Engineering the percentage of 1st shy students entering the unis were more than repeaters.
prathp Monday, 06 August 2012 03:46 PM
we have wasted almost an year from august 2011. i don't what these idiots are doing. who is responsible for this? still the problem is not solved. how can we decide our future without releasing the cut off. medias please take responsibility and fight for the rights of the innocent students who are waiting for the cut off.......
bandara Monday, 06 August 2012 08:57 AM
No one seems care about country's young generation get older without education facilities. Politicians Enjoy poorly educated masses when voting for them to become millionaires. Keep poor.. , keep poor for...ever...
Kondeybendapucheena Monday, 06 August 2012 10:28 AM
why to enter Universiteis is closed
devasiri Monday, 06 August 2012 11:04 AM
Z-score issue is still not resolved? We are waiting impatiently for the cut off marks to be released for uni entrance.
Shace-UK Monday, 06 August 2012 11:14 AM
Already on average a Sri Lankan graduates around the age 28, with the Z score blunder these students will reach age 30+ by the time they graduate...who will give jobs at this age??? The whole education system has to change....
Nodrog Monday, 06 August 2012 11:09 AM
Whose fault is that? Why do the innocent kids have to pay the price when the responsible officials and 2 education Ministers go scott-free?
Professor Monday, 06 August 2012 11:43 AM
Although z-score issue is to be resolved uni lecturers are still on holiday. Somebody has to intervene and tell them to go back to work to increase the GDP of Sri Lanka so that the amount allocated to Higher education could be increased.
Jena Monday, 06 August 2012 11:56 AM
Its pitty.. here in australia, people of the same age of these students are half way down n their under graduate studies..
Oleap Fernando Monday, 06 August 2012 12:07 PM
Who was responsible for getting the Exams department to release the z zcore marks without resolving the matter firmly.
All the probels have been amplified due to the release of z scores together with the A Level results on Christmas day
Who is responsible for this blunderr?
CHANDRAPALA Monday, 06 August 2012 03:32 PM
Why did authorities concerned recommend an action plan in this issue? (Road map for university admission)
upul Monday, 06 August 2012 08:14 AM
Ah ha!!
I wonder why UCG was in a mighty hurry to call in for applications knowing verwell that there is a broblem.
kalubanda Monday, 06 August 2012 03:39 PM
there is no solution to this if only z score is considerd for ranking.Even if we do many more tinkering work with the z scores,we would not find any reasonable solution.there is another factor which must to be taken in for the solution,that is the probability of first timers university selections and the probability of second and third attemt students university selection in case they had sat for a common exam. WE have enough data calculate this probability ,Then workout the number of student for each faculty from each group bassed the this calculated probability. If the universities can accomodate some more students, those number of seats can be distributed to both groups to compenaste for any discrepency at the magins for the marginally qualified students.
sana Monday, 06 August 2012 06:44 PM
Good news for sri lanka perants. Pls vote this time too.
Suny J Monday, 06 August 2012 11:41 PM
Why dont you tell these things to your beloved ministers....???
saman Tuesday, 07 August 2012 12:22 AM
Until the preset administration exist things qill be ZZ........ZZZZ.........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!
Manik Tuesday, 07 August 2012 12:55 AM
What "miraculous" waste of time and youth. Another Miracle!!!!
Cyclops Tuesday, 07 August 2012 01:44 AM
Soon there will be more boat loads heading for Australia-this time with youngsters who are shut out of universities for no fault of theirs. Have a heart UGC, after all you are supposed to 'grant' and not hold back!
MalcomX Tuesday, 07 August 2012 02:33 AM
Nationalize SITAM! Convert NSBM as a national university!! Absorb all the students, who have qualified under the two z-score methods, to the University System!!!
Dinesh Tuesday, 07 August 2012 02:32 AM
Until education system is proper, we cannot see Miracle of Asia. We also need Private Universities otherwise students will go to Australia, UK etc and we loose them
Farzan Tuesday, 07 August 2012 03:09 AM
Fault is done by them. Punishment is to the students.
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