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A 68- year old lawyer has been hacked to death by unknown assailants who broke into his house in Athurugiriya early this morning, police said.
The victim had been jabbed in his head with a sharp object. Athurugiriya police are conducting further investigations to arrest the suspect.
Speaking to the Daily Mirror SSP Ajith Rohana said a 21 year old girl suspected to have been living with the victim, was taken into custody by the Athurugiriya police.
percy Friday, 07 September 2012 10:55 PM
Time for all the briefless lawyers to go on strike!! Do we know that the fate that befell this lawyer was something arising from his own life and actions?? There are many idiots who rush to condemn a murder even in circumstances where the deceased deserved to die.
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kingasanga Friday, 07 September 2012 12:59 PM
don't blame to country & our people. as you know 10% of animal living with human here. so, compare with other nations.
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Silva De Mervin Friday, 07 September 2012 01:28 PM
Capital punishment did not reduce violence in the US.
The law should be allow free hand to take it cause and that is the best politicians can do to improve the situation.
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Lanka Atapattu Friday, 07 September 2012 01:55 PM
We Need gallows!!!!
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mervyn perera Friday, 07 September 2012 02:31 PM
No third degree methods to be used against any suspect. This is what all lawyers are clamouring for their clients.Let the law take its normal course. Why should u bring in the hangman just because the lawyer is killed. They are the whole time fleecing clients and saving murderers.
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DENGU Friday, 07 September 2012 04:33 PM
killing human is not big issue in lanka, better talking about something new
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ceylon Friday, 07 September 2012 04:38 PM
Our Sri Lankans have lost values and dignity due to greed and corruption. No punishment will resolve till Sri Lankans change.
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JJ Friday, 07 September 2012 05:26 PM
this all sign's to shows that world end is so soon. that why day by day all these kind of things increase gradually ,
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Fair N Square Friday, 07 September 2012 06:05 PM
it could be KARMA making a pay back. Sadly MOST lawyers are professional liars... and make their living by squeezing out their clients. May be there are some who feel sympathy towards the feeble and destitute. Wonder if we have a legal aid system that helps the poor who cannot afford high fees that the lawyers demand...
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Rasa Friday, 07 September 2012 09:28 PM
Find the sharks not the sprats.
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Ami Friday, 07 September 2012 09:58 PM
Why ask for capital punishment, he has already received what he desearved
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Bonda Friday, 07 September 2012 01:20 PM
Wht a hue and cry for the slaughter of animals as sacrifice, Come on Sri Lankans make a bigger noise for slaughter of humans. We all know these comments will not have that much of an impact on the citizens
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perera Friday, 07 September 2012 11:17 PM
mervyn silva and jhu will come out protesting about human murdets?
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sarath Saturday, 08 September 2012 01:13 AM
dont say all say some. you dont know the pain that is taken by lawyers to justify the fee. there are rots in every field of professions in particular but there are more in the society in gereral.
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sarath Saturday, 08 September 2012 01:29 AM
it is an illusion that sl is not safe but safest in south asia region. us or europe is also the same. admire sri lanka not betray.
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john Saturday, 08 September 2012 03:17 AM
Mervyn you are right person to protest for human killing!!!
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murder Saturday, 08 September 2012 02:57 AM
that 21 years old girl is the person who did this.
that lawyer was no longer lawyer because of his bad behavior he had to leave his job.
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Thomas Saturday, 08 September 2012 03:02 AM
Crime unlimited, No other country like??????????
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Dalu Banda Saturday, 08 September 2012 02:04 PM
Unfortunately, this lawyer was not families with "Para Bhava Suutraya " and not followed the basic principals of Buddhism. The cause for his personnel tragedy is clearly stated in the " "Holy Suutra"
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Frederick Friday, 07 September 2012 05:17 AM
Lawyer hacked to death Athurugiriya, doctor assaulted and hospitalised Anuradhapura, other reports of tourist been killed not so long ago down South and girl friend raped, there seems to be a severe breakdown in the law and order situation.
Sri Lanka don't worry about what others are saying about such matters, ask yourself the question is it safe for me.You will get the right answer.
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The God Father Friday, 07 September 2012 05:19 AM
Lets see whether the police can catch the murderers , i believe they are well capable of catching the speedy three wheelers and poor road hookers.
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suby rooby Friday, 07 September 2012 05:11 AM
He must have played out some client. Most lawyers do this through greed for money. Otherwise, no reason for such drastic action.
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Manik Friday, 07 September 2012 05:30 AM
Police will catch the murderers if they are not connected to politicians. Otherise ?????
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thinuka Friday, 07 September 2012 05:38 AM
May be a client who don’t have finance to settle Lawyer’s fees after case is dragging for so long..
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Arun Friday, 07 September 2012 05:47 AM
Oh no.. more protests...
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Spartacus Friday, 07 September 2012 06:15 AM
Capital punishment will not help. Build a law abiding society and lead by example.
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mohamed asfar Friday, 07 September 2012 06:27 AM
more to come. wait and see. we are a nation always favor the criminal not the victim. i am really sorry for all sri lankans including myself.
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MagodisThuma Friday, 07 September 2012 06:29 AM
Lost the case ?
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Naleer Friday, 07 September 2012 06:35 AM
One and only way " death penalty "
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Burampi Aatha Friday, 07 September 2012 04:59 AM
Bring back the capital punishment!
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Naara Friday, 07 September 2012 06:52 AM
Who said crime wave. this is daily occurrence. National sport of Sri-Lanka Killing Human beings.
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buffaloa citizen Friday, 07 September 2012 07:17 AM
A society that elects criminal leaders deserve what is coming.
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mohammed Friday, 07 September 2012 07:30 AM
Our life is not safe in Sri Lanka.
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lankalion Friday, 07 September 2012 07:56 AM
death penalty is not the way. People won't stop committing crimes because the penalty is severe. A penalty of life in prison or 20 years in prison is worse for someone who committed a crime as it is a lifetime of torture. Crime free or low crime societies are a result of the effectiveness of the rule of law. The biggest deterrent to someone not committing a crime is the chance of getting caught. For that you need an effective justice system and the rule of a law. A police that spends its resources in catching real criminals rather than browsing through the internet figuring out which porn sites to block or going through our parks to arrest teenagers kissing and holding hands!
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rohan Friday, 07 September 2012 07:56 AM
i like the thread on "national sport of sri lanka". But remember that some people decided to valiantly protest when goats were lined up for slaughter in a religious festival. Are goats more valuable than humans in sri lanka?
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Sigh Friday, 07 September 2012 07:49 AM
Everyday i read news of someone being murdered, abducted or sexually abused. Sri Lanka, Wonder of Asia
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gowravi Friday, 07 September 2012 08:32 AM
very true, correctly said, can we live in this country safely ???
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gowravi Friday, 07 September 2012 08:34 AM
They have the girl with them. Pls take care of the girl.
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Nihal Friday, 07 September 2012 09:09 AM
This is horrendous to say the least. We have had 18 murders from the 1st of August to date!! We cannot understand why proper punitive measures have not been implemented by the Government to stop SL becoming a "Killing field".
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Nihal Friday, 07 September 2012 09:14 AM
Life- sentence has NEVER been a deterrent, because the criminal is kept alive and is provided for by the very society that he/she has violated. Look at every single country that has done away with the death penalty and adopted "life imprisonment" - USA, UK etc. The criminal also knows that if he is able to convince the legal system that he has repented and changed his ways he can be paroled!! We need to look at the issue intelligently.
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