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The government has decided to acquire a 20 storey housing complex in Bambalapitiya to provide official residences for ministers and deputy ministers Cabinet has approved the purchase of this housing complex for Rs. 425 million.
Another Rs 110 million has been approved for furnishing the apartments.
The apartments will be assigned to ministers and deputy ministers who do not have houses in Colombo. Priority will be given to those now occupying rented houses. (Ajantha Kumara Agalakada)
Nuzrath Monday, 13 August 2012 02:56 PM
They are destroying houses of poor.In order to give houses to ministers.They are calling poor people's houses a shanty when the houses are bell structured and well built with lacks of rupees.
Ministers are nothing but pick pocketers.
0 4
LOL Monday, 13 August 2012 08:32 AM
In few years they will build a separate island for them......
0 18
The God Father Monday, 13 August 2012 09:37 AM
That area will be much worse than maligawatte the sooner these so called professionals move in., also the prices of the bamba will come down.
0 15
Kajaan Monday, 13 August 2012 10:04 AM
What about the poor people those who are still waiting for houses ?
0 12
Fayad Monday, 13 August 2012 10:35 AM
With all the benefits & kickbacks they were only missing the housing. god bless the poor masses.
0 30
Kondeybendapucheena Monday, 13 August 2012 12:29 PM
The way things are going in Sri Lanka wonder what our next Generations will do..................................
0 8
Fazli Monday, 13 August 2012 12:38 PM
This kind of unfortunate news items only adds to the agony make people sick.
0 13
Rudy Monday, 13 August 2012 12:21 PM
And people still say that asking for an increase in spending for education is too much.
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Ran banda Monday, 13 August 2012 02:23 PM
They are fit to be in Kennels
0 5
bonnie mallie Monday, 13 August 2012 07:27 AM
Buddhist Nation? Are you joking?....thats just a tag we use..not expected to practice
1 39
Nuzrath Monday, 13 August 2012 02:59 PM
Soon all road and business in bambalapitiya will be closed.
0 7
EARDLEY COLOMBAGE Monday, 13 August 2012 03:27 PM
I am currently in living in California and I am fully aware the great perks that all ministers & MPs enjoy at the rate payers expense. Even last week I was shocked to learn that we sent a huge delegation for olympics, when only a handful represented the country. So how can our country progress. I sincerely think our Sinhala counter parts are not at all worried and turn a blind eye on these great attrocities. I admire our tamil counterparts for their love for their people and display of patriotism.
6 6
kumisura Monday, 13 August 2012 03:53 PM
Not ANOTHER takeover! Any prizes for guessing where the complex is? That neglected miserable looking block built about 20 years ago almost on the beach far behind Unity Plaza? Plenty of land around the bottom to put up another block for all the security and drivers. Very convenient for ministers wives to do all their shopping. not like living in Kotte which would seem more sensible and less hassle for the general public. The wives can also sweat a few pounds off on the beach when their pouses are working their bigger bellies off waxing eloquent in parliament.
0 3
Mr. B Wijeyasingha Monday, 13 August 2012 04:53 PM
Bambalapitiya should have been preserved as a historic part of Colombo. When I visited Sri Lanka in 2009, this once graceful part of Colombo that had wide boulevards lined by massive oak trees where gracious English mansions lined the area were all gone and in it's place were narrow streets, and tinder brick houses to concrete high rises. The city planners took a gem and made it into a monstrosity. If that area had been preserved it would have brought in revenue from foreign tourists who would have come to Colombo to see the British legacy.
9 4
Kiris Baba Amaray Monday, 13 August 2012 04:58 PM
its a crime for the nation. OH.... God you will have to show the Justice. my heavens my heart is burning indeed.
0 8
Bikechain Bubbleband Monday, 13 August 2012 05:10 PM
Oh Almighty God, are you watching all these nonesones, so many poor beggars are on the streets, all the currpupted bunch are going to enjoy the Luxury appartments. Its a curse for every individual who is going to enjoy these benefits.
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dass Monday, 13 August 2012 05:11 PM
kotte has lot of free ground with plenty of green pasture for consumption.
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hema Tuesday, 14 August 2012 09:01 AM
what elase we can give to MPS and poor ministers....what shame this is..... these people are eaning from every where ...not keepimg any business to others and inroducing there families to next elections and keep there position in politics.what about the other citizens enjoying ? bad diesl/education , violation, corruption, and carrot talks.
0 0
Namiq Azhar Wednesday, 15 August 2012 07:28 AM
Sagarika, they get these luxury houses, for cheating the innocent poor people and acquring their lands to fulfil their purpose
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Namiq Azhar Wednesday, 15 August 2012 07:48 AM
Education for the poor Sri Lankan is secondary and funds not available, but Luxury houses come first Ministers, that means the rich Ministers children will live in luxury to educate their children in prestigeous schools with out paying fees, gratis..
0 0
jasso Monday, 13 August 2012 04:52 AM
why cant they have it in kotte?? thats where they have their work!
1 40
Samantha Monday, 13 August 2012 03:50 AM
What will be the name for this apartments complex ???
1 66
Dadoriya Monday, 13 August 2012 03:50 AM
Why not put them up at the Hilton, the tax payed can pickup the tab.
2 61
Disappointed Monday, 13 August 2012 03:34 AM
and they say they have no money to allocate for education... Let's support the university dons!
1 150
Andrew Pitugala Monday, 13 August 2012 03:40 AM
Pity the poor neighbours.
0 112
Ganja Monday, 13 August 2012 04:15 AM
So what to do the houses and properties they already owned in Colombo and other part of the country? all to be sized by the government or what?
0 39
perera Monday, 13 August 2012 04:08 AM
Why not build a new hosing complex in a Beach front or any other water front.
1 25
Kautilya Monday, 13 August 2012 04:05 AM
Oh! What a waste of public money. Put up a school for student.
0 64
Lankan Man Monday, 13 August 2012 04:16 AM
Monthly Salary : Rs. 120,000/-
Expense for Constitution per month : Rs. 10,000/-
Office expenditure per month : Rs. 14,000/-
Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km) : Rs. 48,000/- (eg. For a visit from Nuwara eliya & return : 600 km)
Daily DA TA during parliament meets : Rs. 500/day
Charge for 1 class (A/C) in Train : Free (For any number of times)
(All over sri lanka )
Charge for Business Class in Flights : Free for 40 trips / year (With wife or P.A.)
Rent for MP hostel at almost colombo : Free.
Electricity costs at home : Free up to 50,000 units.
Local phone call charge : Free up to 170,000 calls..
TOTAL expense for a MP [having no qualification] per year : Rs.3,200,000/- [i.e. 2.66 Lakh A Month] TOTAL expense for 5 years : Rs. 16,000,000/- For 534 MPs, the expense for 5 years :
Rs. 8,544,000,000/
1 105
Cyclops Monday, 13 August 2012 04:29 AM
No can do for soon the hotels will start losing spoons and forks, not forgetting linen!!!!!!!!
0 64
Prasannajit Monday, 13 August 2012 04:33 AM
They are the only living beings in this country. God bless this country. Jayaweva for the people who voted for them.
0 53
Minister Monday, 13 August 2012 04:42 AM
Oh yes, because they are the poorest of poor. They must be provided with housing and all other comforts at our cost!
0 36
Sad Sri Lankan Monday, 13 August 2012 04:38 AM
Just one open question - Why give new housing to ministers who already have housing & other luxuries when the homeless continue to live on the streets ? Has the Buddhist nation gone away from the path of Buddhism ?
4 55
Sagarika Monday, 13 August 2012 03:30 AM
For doing what do they get this benefit for?
1 143
Apsara Monday, 13 August 2012 05:46 AM
They are really burden to our country.
0 27
Nimal Monday, 13 August 2012 05:40 AM
2 12
Nimal Monday, 13 August 2012 05:51 AM
What about the security personnel and the back-up vehicle?
0 60
Aparna Thenuwara Monday, 13 August 2012 06:18 AM
This Housing Complex must belongs to top rank in regime
0 30
ihm Monday, 13 August 2012 06:08 AM
Pathetic ... what a waste of money. god bless to SL citizens. (except ministers etc..) wonder of asia.
0 27
Mervin Monday, 13 August 2012 06:58 AM
Create more and more ministries, so Government can have the whole of Colombo for their stooges
0 28
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