Cardinal calls for international probe into Channel 4 disclosures

Archbishop of Colombo Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith called for an independent international probe into the Channel 4 video on the Easter Sunday attacks in 2019.

Coming up with several demands Cardinal Ranjith called for a free, impartial, transparent and broad investigation into what Channel 4 had revealed in its programme, the alleged plot behind the tragedy, all facts and of persons mentioned in the video, especially with regard  to their roles in the mayhem.  

“The investigation should be carried out by an independent international team assisted by local officials of the CID who were originally sought by the government and later transferred,” he told journalists.

“Those officials who were in the police and security services and are under investigations and who hold high positions should be suspended forthwith. Those who have been named by Channel 4 should move out before the investigations,” he added.

"DIGs Nilantha Jayawardene and Deshabandu Tennekoon should be suspended from their posts,” he stressed.

The Archbishop called upon all police and security officers who are aware of the facts with regard to the attack to come out and reveal the truth.

“Appointing a select committee once again is a waste of time and resources,” he added.

Meanwhile it was announced that all churches will conduct special prayers on September 8, calling for the truth to come out.

The Cardinal also lauded Channel 4 for coming out with the video. (Yohan Perera)



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