American Water: Nurturing Life and Community Through Every Drop


Embark on a voyage with American Water, where every sip is a promise of purity, and every bottle carries the legacy of excellence.
In the heart of Sri Lanka, kissed by the sun and whispered to by the rain, emerges American Water as a symbol of life’s vitality. For three decades, this brand has journeyed beyond being a mere business; it has become a trusted companion in every Sri Lankan’s quest for health and hydration.
The pledge to sustainability is not just a statement for American Water—it’s a living, breathing practice embedded in its DNA. With cutting-edge technology and meticulous testing, the brand ensures that each drop transcends purity and becomes a beacon of safety. Its expansive reach, with over 50,000 touchpoints, guarantees that no matter where life takes one, the essence of American Water is just an arm’s length away.
American Water’s heart beats in unison with the community it cherishes. The past decade has seen the brand donate a life-giving force—over half a million liters of water—to those who nurture hope in the face of adversity. This year, it has intertwined its destiny with Apeksha Hospital, committing to a monthly offering of 2,850 liters to cradle the health of countless souls.


In collaboration with OrphanCare, the H2O initiative stands tall as a lighthouse, guiding the dreams of over 3,000 orphans towards the shores of possibility. Each American Water bottle purchased is a vessel carrying aspirations of education, entrepreneurship, and the warmth of guidance, ensuring no child is left adrift in the vast ocean of life.
The spirit of support runs deep for American Water, as seen in its alliance with “Run for Their Lives,” where more than 6500 liters of water bolstered the resolve of those running with purpose. The commitment flows into the halls of the Colombo kidney hospital, bringing solace and sustenance to those on the path to recovery.
The dedication to fostering a hydrated, healthy future shines through American Water's support of young athletes. From the rugby fields of Royal College, St. Peters College and Zahira College to the badminton courts of the “Li Ning Sri Lanka Challenge,” the brand stands as the guardian of hydration, fueling the pursuit of excellence. This commitment extends beyond providing water, with American Water also conducting awareness sessions for the Sri Lankan netball team.
The values of American Water spell out ‘UEPIT,’ a compass guiding its way of life. Uncompromised Quality, Exceptional Service, Pride in Excellence, Integrity, and Teamwork—these are the stars by which American Water navigates, committed to serving its customers and community with unwavering dedication.
American Water is an odyssey of sustainability, a journey towards a thriving community. It invites all to be part of this voyage, as it continues to quench the world’s thirst and empower lives, one bottle at a time.

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