February 10 Saturday to February 16 Friday

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Aries (Mesha):

 Your 11th House will gain much strength when Sun enters it on Feb: 13 and Mercury on Feb: 15 to join Venus already there signifying financial security and relief from debts. Given the beneficial aspect of Jupiter over the 11th House, a rise in career is likely for those running the Maha Dasa of the Sun.  A happy time socially is also indicated.  Lagnadhipati Mars Swakshetra in the 8th House assures you of the benefits such as increased wealth, happiness and longevity. However, you are advised to avoid risk-involved activity.  Opportunities for foreign travel for academic purposes are likely for those in appropriate circumstances. 


Taurus (Vrushabha):

You can look forward to a happier time at your job when the Sun and Mercury enter your 10th House on Feb: 13 and 15 respectively. Foreign travel will materialize for those in appropriate circumstances. The planetary changes will bring about relief from mental and financial problems that had been troubling you. However, you have to safeguard your health given an unfavourable Jupiter in the 6th House. Success in educational pursuits too are on the cards.     


Gemini (Mithuna):

Mercury being the Lagnadhipati and the Sun becoming strong due to being hemmed in by two benefics your 9th House has gained strength where Venus is already placed assuring     comforts, financial gains and business success. A rise in status and popularity and financial stability are also held out.  Mars in your 6th House is highly favourable. You will win over enemies and gain respect and honour in the society. Success at exams and competitions are also indicated.


Cancer (Kataka):

Mercury due to enter the 8th House on Feb: 15 reinforces the favourable results Venus already in this House is holding out. Matrimonial prospects are bright for bachelors and maidens. Time is ideal for acquiring lands and vehicles.  Problems relating to children are indicated by Mars in the 5th House. Time is not opportune for trading in stocks and shares either.  You are advised to stay away from gaming activity as well.


 Leo (Sinha):

You have to exercise extra-care, foresight and tact in dealing with business partners to avert disputes and conflicts. Family problems too are likely to trouble you.  Mars Swakshetra in the 4th House giving rise to the effects of Ruchaka Yoga fortifies you with drive, energy, confidence and courage to take bold decisions and face challenges.  Jupiter in the 3rd House indicates a good time for religious and spiritual activity, but an unfavourable time for business and other activity aimed at material gains.


Virgo (Kanya):

Sun and Mercury due to move into your 6th House shortly will render it very strong to give you a whip hand over enemies and rivals, success at contests and competitions and monetary gains. This is a favourable position for those seeking political office in particular. Mars in your 3rd House fortifies you with much courage and self-confidence and holds out financial gains and short gainful journeys.  A rise in career and higher status are in store for natives running Rahu Maha or Antar Dasa.


Libra (Thula):

  Lagnadhipati Venus in the 5th House indicates a favourable time for artistes in general. A happy family life is too indicated. Long-cherished dreams might come true thanks to Yogakaraka Saturn in the 3rd House Time on is auspicious for natives active in politics. A very happy time socially and financial gains are indicated. However, time is not favourable for property-related transactions.  You have to resist the inclination to make money by means fair or foul.


Scorpio (Vrushika):

 Mercury due in the 4th House on Feb: 13 assures a good income, cordial relations with relatives and enhanced living comforts in addition to a happy time in social circles, success in educational pursuits in addition to financial gains held out by Venus already in this House.  Time now on is auspicious for foreign travel, higher education and spiritual pursuits, but unfavourable for parents. A very favourable time when successes and achievements come to you with no effort is ahead with Lagnadhipati Mars in your Lagna. 


Sagittarius (Dhanu):

Sound health and increased wealth are assured by Sun due in the 3rd House shortly where Venus is already posited holding out a good time professionally and financially. Natives prospecting for gems or other hidden treasures are in for luck. You have to act with restraint, foresight and mindfulness as the Saturn continues transit in your Lagna.  A great achievement or a good fortune is possible for those running favourable Dasas.  


Capricorn (Makara):

Mercury and Sun due in your 2nd House shortly will render it stronger. Venus is already posited in this House holding out good health, a happy family life and monetary gains.  Your health will greatly improve when Mercury leaves the Lagna for the 2nd House on Feb: 15. Time on is not favourable for matrimonial matters except in cases of Rahu being strong at birth.  You will have a good time with friends, relatives and family members. Swakshetra Mars in the 11th House is a source of strength for you. You are assured of success in all areas in life.. 


Aquarius (Kumbha):

A strong Sun due in your Lagna on Feb: 13 will add strength to your personality. Meanwhile, comforts, sensual pleasures and monetary gains are assured by a favourable Venus already placed in your Lagna. A happy time at workplace, a possible rise in career and even gainful foreign travel on the cards with a powerful Mars in your 10th House.  You can look forward to a better or a steady income due to the favourable Saturn   in the 11th House. 


Pisces (Meena):

The Sun gaining strength from the association with both Venus and Mercury will render your 12th strong. You are likely to develop a bent to help the lesser fortunate like the poor, the sick and the disabled. You have to be mindful of your health and avoid getting involved in law suits and litigation given Lagnadhipati Jupiter unfavourably placed in your 8th House. You can look forward to an enhanced income and more profits from whatever economic activity you are engaged in, thanks to the favourable 11th House.

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