Freeing from slavery and liberating country     Follow

For our politicos going into histrionics at May Day rallies is not something unusual and people are also quite used to them.

A certain Minister during his address at the Blue Party’s May Day rally heaped praise on a VVIP of the present government for ‘freeing the people from the shackles of slavery’. Faces of some Blue stalwarts turned a shade darker when they heard this statement. A Diyawanna member hailing from Hambantota turned livid.

As soon as the Minister concluded his speech, the Hambantota member confronted the colleague from Colombo who had organized the May Day rally.
“Look here. Why on earth did you include that fellow’s name in the list of speakers?” he demanded. “Why the hell couldn’t he make any mention about the person who really liberated the country?”

The Colombo district organiser of the rally had remained quiet as the angry Diyawanna member from Hambantota poured out his wrath on him for several minutes.

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