Wanted funds, but got a sermon!

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A number of political heavyweights have already teamed up with the new political alignment that has come up from the East to topple the ‘Tree’ and the one ruling its roost.


The co-founders of the new entity needing funds to build up the party had initially approached friendly businessmen but the response from them had been poor. So they had quietly met the heads of diplomatic missions from several mid-east countries based in the city to seek financial assistance from them. 

The mid-east envoys after promising to consider their request had on the sly spilled the beans to the Tree party leader and the latter had convinced the envoys of the need to protect the unity of the community and a new party alignment would mean a serious split in the community. 

When the co-founders of the new political entity called on the mid-east envoys recently expecting a positive response from them had a surprise coming to them when they offered them an unsolicited advice: “Don’t get divided. Fight for your rights as a united force!” 

The leading lights of the new political alignment are now looking for other sources that could help them much needed- funds, they say. 

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