Poor general knowledge or coached to say it?

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The fair governor of the Central province was the chief guest at a ceremony held at a leading girls’ college in Kandy to mark World Children’s Day. 


The lady governor who delivered the keynote speech at the ceremony had touched on the country’s political system. She had also in a lighter vein made several references to doings of certain politicians as well.

At the conclusion of her address, the governor had asked the children to raise questions about matters they needed to be clarified. 

After answering questions put to her by the children, the governor had told them that she wished to ask them just one question.

“My dear children, you all may have heard of a place called ‘hell’. Can you tell me where this place called ‘hell’ is situated?”

All girls in unison had given the answer to this question: “Madam, the hell is situated inside … at Diyawannawa!”

The governor had looked down without making any comment.  

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