He wanted to entertain them, but got only boos in return!

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A prominent politico was a distinguished guest at the birthday party of a well-known business tycoon held recently at a scenic spot in the central hills. 


A number of government and opposition politicians attended this birthday party where liquor flowed like water.

The politico in question had a drink too many and was almost in a drunken coma when he groggily walked up to the orchestra and told them that he wished to entertain the audience with a song. Given the nod, the politico broke into a song, but it was a pathetic attempt and the guests highly soaked by now began greeting the politico with loud boos for his vocal cords were making only slurred incoherent sounds. They also began hurling remarks like “We don’t want your song! Tattaya, stop braying …!” 

As the politico tried to go on ‘singing’ despite boos and the general commotion, his security personnel who intervened carried him to his vehicle and drove him home, they say.

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