He turned for solace to a more disappointed one

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A state purohita had a chance meeting with a former senior purohita at the Diyawanna council lobby the other day.


A city denizen, the state one represents a constituency in Pulatisipura area. Once a Blue, he has turned Green now. Although he has got a subject relevant to the people he represents, he has just to stand and stare as his boss in the top team has hogged all powers and functions attached to the subject. 

The plaintive cries raised by him time and again about being reduced to a nonentity had fallen on deaf ears of those in the highest echelons.  

The state one who began pouring his heart out to the former senior purohita told him: “Aiya, I have had enough of this step-motherly treatment. Take some decisive action without further delay so that I can consider doing my share…”

The Blue senior had greeted this ‘offer’ with a loud guffaw as usual and replied: “Ohoma yang, Malli. After all, the planetary change too has come and gone. Hasn’t it?”   

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