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A large crowd of well-wishers flocked to the Wijerama Road official residence of the former strongman the other day on hearing that he was to be sworn in as the Number Two in the country.

Meanwhile, a Pohottuwa Diyawanna member who too called at the former strongman’s residence approached the crowd gathered there and casually mentioned that it was the Boralugoda scion who was due to be sworn in as Number Two, not the former strongman. For a few seconds, most in the crowd were staring at one another in disbelief, while some among them recalled that there was a rumour already afloat that the Boralugoda scion was to be appointed as Number Two.

The crowd of well-wishers soon thinned out and only seven to eight persons remained at the former strongman’s residence.
In the meantime, the news spread that the crowd that had earlier gathered at the former strongman’s residence was now milling around the Boralugoda scion’s residence.
No sooner than had this news reached him, the former strongman stepped out of the residence and addressed the few people who were still waiting for him: “I carried out a small test…and it worked! I now know for sure who my real supporters are!”

After thanking them for their steadfast loyalty, the former strongman left for the swearing-in-ceremony.

On his return after being sworn in, the former strongman found the large crowd that moved away from his residence earlier in the morning was back there in full strength. and they were jostling in a bid to reach him while shouting, “Jayawewa!”. 

The former strongman, now Number Two, was obviously in high humour when he entered the house after acknowledging the greetings of the crowd. 

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