“Diplomat’s jibe, an eye opener for the government”

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A certain Centre tasked with planning the policies of the state had recently organized a special lecture. 


Only a small select group of intellectuals and academics in the country had been invited to this lecture. The guest speaker was an envoy from a Red country. 

The envoy represents a country that acts in close co-operation with the Sri Lankan government in regard to most international issues. In fact, the leaders of the government of that country were closer to the leadership of the former regime than to that of the present one. 

The diplomat in his talk made an interesting reference to the present government and our team of Ministers. The effect of what he said is as follows: “Dear friends. We have found it difficult to understand the policies of this government.  I wonder whether even the senior Ministers understand them. I understand that there are about 92 Ministers, Deputy Ministers and State Ministers functioning in this government. If one wants to form at least a rough idea about the policies of this government, one may have to meet each of these 92 Ministers. But getting a correct answer from them would prove a difficult proposition…”

Purohitas and other invitees could not hide their embarrassment on hearing the scathing comment made by the Red diplomat.  However, one of the purohitas present had remarked that the envoy’s comment is an eye opener for this government. 

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