They beg forgiveness to avert loss of office     Follow

The government top brass recently came under pressure from friendly sources to dissolve two local bodies close to the city to send home summarily their political heads sans their plume. The sources that proposed this measure maintained that it would be a good lesson for these two heads for hurling invective at the new strongman at the recent polls. 

As the rumour about the proposed dissolution made rounds, some people in Dehiwela and Moratuwa areas had celebrated the likely event by lighting firecrackers, they say.

Meanwhile, on hearing this rumour, the two local body heads got in a sweat. They immediately met to decide on a course of action to avert the impending calamity. 

The twosome realized that they were quite helpless and their survival in power depended on the mercy of the new Big Boss. 

So they called on the new Big Boss and fell at his feet. “Sir, please forgive us for things we said about you at the election time. We are prepared to suffer any punishment you impose on us. But Sir, please, don’t deprive us of our party membership and present position,” they beseeched.

Deeply touched by the pathetic spectacle of the contrite twosome, the new Big Boss had consoled them saying: “Now… now…let us forget the past…”
However, only time will say whether the new Big Boss has really forgiven them, they say.

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