Rs.3 billion sports affair jettisoned!     Follow

The political boss presiding over the country’s sports decided to hold the biggest international youth sports festival here in 2017. And he got his aides to work out the budget for the proposed event.

A team of aides who worked on the budget, estimated the overall cost of the festival at a hefty Rs.3 billion. And the Sports Boss presented for approval a paper containing the project plan and the estimated outlay to the highest decision-making body. The highest authority in due course received a copy of the proposal with comments from the finance high ups as well. However, the proposed grand event got nipped in the bud when the highest authority immediately pooh-poohed it saying that there were more pressing national priorities on the government agenda than the proposed grand event.

Incidentally, the highest authority, they say, thanks to his brief experience of affairs connected with national sports has already become wary of grandiose plans mooted by political high ups in the sports sector. 

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