Mystery surrounding landmark lake sans water     Follow

There is a beautiful city in the hill country well known for its cool salubrious climate. A lake in the city adds to its scenic beauty. In fact, this city is a popular tourist destination in the country. In fact, there had been instances when amphibious planes carrying foreign tourists had landed on this lake.

This lake suddenly went dry laying bare the lake bed. Inquisitive media people made inquiries from authorities as to why the beautiful lake had gone empty. The authorities they contacted gave different explanations.  One high official had said that the lake had been emptied of its water preparatory to a de-silting and cleansing project. Another authority had said that water had been pumped out to enable fixing some bund leaks.

However, people in the area say that the authorities cook up stories to hide the truth. According to them, there is an estate close to the lake belonging to a sibling of a powerful person. He wanted to construct a building complex overlooking the lake. Structural design engineers and architects who inspected the site for the building complex had warned this estate owner of the possibility that the water level of the lake could rise above the foundation level. And they had further advised him to empty the lake of the water if he wanted to go ahead with the building project. And the sibling of the powerful person using his political clout got the lake emptied of water to carry out his construction work - of course, not before erecting a sign board opposite the lake announcing that a lake development project was underway.

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