A misadventure and a tell-tale sarong

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This veteran politician hailing from a district adjoining the Colombo district is one of the seniors in the Diyawanna council. Now holding Ministerial rank, the politico is well known as a ladies’ man, ready for romantic escapades undeterred by disabilities imposed by age. In fact, his pastime is enjoying the company of comely lasses!

A highly embarrassing misadventure this politico had to go through recently was said to be causing titters and guffaws in political circles these days, they say.
The politico recently moved into a familiar holiday inn along with a young woman to spend the weekend. 

Come the night, the elderly politico enjoyed the bedtime together with the fair companion thanks to the drug that makes things hard and upright. 

The man had his fill to his heart’s contentment and now he wanted to have a sound sleep. But the sleep was slow in coming and to his horror he discovered that what he wanted to be hard and upright had failed to come back to normal. 

Time was past 12.30. Highly ruffled, the Ministerial one woke up the sleeping beauty and explained to her the plight he was in. 

They realized what had gone wrong. He had taken an overdose of the drug! The practical-minded woman suggested that he should immediately see a doctor at the nearest hospital. 

“How can I see a doctor about this problem?” he wailed. The young woman had her guts. “Now don’t worry,” she told him. “Now get into this sarong. You can’t wear the trouser in this condition,” she gave the highly disconcerted politico precise instructions. 

The fair companion rushed the politico to a private hospital in the Narahenpita area in her own car. Later she got a room reserved for the ‘patient’. A young doctor on night duty soon examined the ladies’ man lying on a bed and gave him an injection. “Son, now you know the truth. Please don’t breathe a word about this to anyone,” he beseeched the young doctor. However, the medicine administered by injection failed to produce the expected result and the young doctor sought the help of a senior colleague.

The senior doctor, they say, had drawn some blood using a syringe and what was defiantly hard and upright had gradually come back to the normal position.
Happy that the problem was over, the politico hastily dressed up, paid the hospital bill and looked for his lady love, but she had faded from the scene.  

The Ministerial one summoned his security detail and returned to his official residence as if he was back after a tiring tight schedule outstation.   

However, he had failed to cover his back trail with no clue to his night misadventure for he had left behind his tell-tale sarong in the hospital room where the doctors treated him.   

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