War hero is facing a battle

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Several Green party seniors have reportedly registered their strong reservations against the proposed move to offer a top post in the party to Fonny, the war hero. Two stalwarts among the seniors have expressed their unequivocal opposition to the proposed offer. 


Of these unbending two, one is a purohita and a legal luminary to boot. The other is a young top team member hailing from Uva.

The lawyer- purohita had prior to the Green party’s decision-making body’s meeting last Monday conveyed his reservations about the proposed move to the Green leader and also to the leader’s ‘right royal pal’ handling international trade.  However, the ‘right royal pal’ had immediately washed his hands off the issue saying that he did not want to go against a decision taken by the party. Not to be outdone the lawyer-purohita had issued his ultimatum: “If Fonny is in, I’ll be out.”

Meanwhile, the young purohita from Uva has reportedly decided to resign himself to any eventuality following a reprimand by the Green leader. There is an anti-Fonny group functioning behind the scene as well. This group will leave no stone unturned in their bid to abort the controversial move, they say. 

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