Vastu Dosha blocking his political ambitions!     Follow

A renowned astrologer has reportedly told a certain upcountry political leader that a Vastu Dosha (an architectural defect) in the building housing his political office is an impediment to his getting a high office in the government. 


The politico is said to be busy these days planning to put up a new wing according to Vastu Vidya principles which could cause the cancellation of the Dosha afflicting the existing building. Meanwhile, a series of Shanti Karma rituals is being conducted to dispel all other malefic influences inhibiting his political ambitions. He has got down well known priests from the neighboring country to conduct these rituals.

However, people in the upcountry say that there is no need for him to look far and wide for the ‘villain’ blocking his path to high office because he is there closer home as large as life!

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