Using influence to get bank account unfrozen     Follow


A young opposition Diyawanna member from the deep South had to face a big financial problem when a sizeable amount of money held in an account in a state-owned bank was frozen on a court order. 


The young politico approached several politically powerful persons seeking their help to secure the release of the monies in the frozen account. 

Of the powerful persons whom the young man approached a leading business tycoon hailing from a very high political family and a leading advisor to yahapalanaya had come forward to peddle their influence to help him. These two have now begun speaking to the bank’s high-ups with a view to getting the frozen monies released, they say.

Meanwhile, Number One who had heard from his own intelligence sources about the underhand moves being made to get the forbidden money released despite the court order had given a dressing down to all including his own involved in the illegal bid, they say. 

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