They play host to him this time round!     Follow


It is already public knowledge that the former strongman had to foot a bill for Rs.4,500 for having coffee in the VIP lounge at the airport while waiting to emplane for South Korea recently. 


The Korean visit over, the former Big Boss took a flight back home and as usual he retired to the VIP lounge to wait for his bag and baggage. 

Meanwhile, he thought of sipping a cup of coffee while killing time and beckoning the duty officer he placed his order. 

When the former strongman finished his coffee, one of his aides extended a Rs. 5,000 note to the duty officer saying “Please settle the bill with this.”

A visibly embarrassed duty officer waved off the Rs. 5,000 note, turned to the big man and said: “No! No! please. You are our esteemed guest, Sir. We can’t accept money from you for our services here!”

“Please accept the charges just as you did when we were waiting for our departure,” the former strongman insisted.

However, the duty officer refused to accept payment saying it was a pleasure and an honour to serve him. 

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