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The former tuition master, now the JO’s economic whizkid, called on the purohita currently handling finance to air a grievance of his.


The former tuition master told the purohita: “I started work on a film at the time your government did not spare the film industry too from high taxes. I used all resources available – in fact – I had to scrape the bottom- to finish the work on the film. However, yahapalanaya turning its back on the solemn promise given to promote a free media banned my film when it was about to be released. Don’t you think this is quite wrong amethithuma?”   

The purohita handling the finance portfolio replied: “We don’t believe in banning films… By the way what is the film you are talking about?”

“It’s the one based on the murder of journalist Richard de Soysa!”

“Ah! Why should we ban the film?” replied the purohita. “Go ahead with the arrangements to screen it.  By the way can’t you add another episode to the story of your film?”

“On what?”

“On the murder of Lasantha Wickramatunga!”

“How to weave two different stories into one!” said the former tuition master after a moment’s silence. However, he bade adieu to the purohita without pressing his point, they say.

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