The dejected one issues an ultimatum!     Follow


A big row has broken out in a political front which is having its main voter base in the upcountry Estate Sector.


This front forming part of the ruling coalition has three leaders and two of them have won top team status. Meanwhile, ambitious Krishna, who, despite lording it over others in the Estate Sector failed to secure any office has gone into a terrible sulk, they say.

While Krishna was looking for a good chance to give vent to his chagrin, the front’s city chief holding top team status expressed in public his deep displeasure for having overlooked Range when distributing portfolios.

Sulky Krishna had turned furious on hearing that the city chief’s public espousal of an outsider despite having left him and his follower ‘Ara’ in the lurch.

So, Krishna immediately called on the party’s city chief and issued an ultimatum:

“Your duty is to look after party men before espousing the cause of outsiders. You had better see to that some office is offered to ‘Ara’ and me soon or I’ll be compelled to take a drastic step that would give you a shock!”

Calls from a code number raising a new scenario?

All Blue party veterans who have thrown in their lot with Number One are reportedly getting a special call from a code number these days.
The caller is a lady whose voice is quite familiar to them all.

The call is intended to convey a significant message which runs something like this:

“I have decided to rebuild our party. That one did much damage to the party and this one has started ruining it. I need your unstinted support…”  

Several party veterans who are known to have contributed much towards strengthening the party machinery have already pledged their support to the Madam. She has also won the backing of 21 Diyawanna Blues and Number One has been already alerted to the looming threat to his leadership is said to be fretting and fuming these days, they say.

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