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Prominent astrologers here and in India are said to be having brisk business these days. Their clients are mostly our leading politicos anxious to take a peek into their future given the major planetary change due to take place on the 26th of this month which is expected to make a far reaching impact both on individuals and on the country’s political scene.


Politicos who have found that the major celestial event portends ill for them are seeking the help of the occult experts to counter the malefic influence. Meanwhile, those who have been assured of an auspicious time ahead are jockeying for political power and high positions, they say.

By the way, a very high political authority in yahapalanaya has reportedly been assured of a favourable period after the 16th of this month and a much better time after the 26th celestial event.  Meanwhile, a big gun in the opposition is also said to be in a buoyant mood following an assurance by an astrologer that the malefic period that saw him down and out would end on January 26 marking the dawn of a very favourable time ahead. 

All in all, astrological guidance and predictions are going to be a major factor in shaping the significant political events about to come, they say.

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