Shenanigans of a showman     Follow


Number One in yahapalanaya attended a special religious ceremony to mark Vesak. The event drew a huge crowd to the city.


It so happened that a flamboyant khaki high-up escorted by a defender vehicle convoy and Police outriders had headed to the venue of the ceremony ahead of Number One whose escort was restricted to only two vehicles.  And later the news that Number One while on the way to the important ceremony was held up for several minutes due to the khaki high-up’s motorcade blocking the road ahead spread like wildfire.

By the way, this high-up now well-known for his showmanship, is said to be ever on the look-out for something new that would put him in the limelight. He had jaws dropping when he made it mandatory for his subordinates to start the day with a soul-cleansing meditation session. Recently he had assigned four of his aides to the job of posting visuals of his novel projects on Facebook. Meanwhile, another interesting story doing the rounds these days tells how our showman brashly unseated an intelligence officer of the special team assigned for the security of visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Nuwara Eliya public rally grabbed the chair for himself 
The authorities in the highest echelons are now keeping an eagle eye on the conduct of this khaki high-up, informed sources say.

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