Sarees to womenfolk ahead of PC polls!     Follow

A certain chief purohita is about to begin distributing gifts among his voters although his province is not among the first ones to go to polls.

The politico is already armed with lists of close party supporters and those considered ‘fence-straddlers’ accounting for the floating vote as the prospective recipients of his gifts. However, he has planned to first distribute sarees among the ‘eligible’ women voters in the province. “Every time they wear my saree they would immediately remember me!” the chief purohita had told his aides. 

JO activists in the province have already got ruffled over the chief purohita’s planned gift distribution campaign and a mention about it had been made at a public rally held by the JO in Galle area recently. 

A plan is also already underway to expose the proposed gift distribution move in Diyawanna council as well, they say.

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