Mosquitoes continue to bite them     Follow


About 10 orderlies - once referred to as peons – attached to a main government office in the city recently found to their shock and dismay that they had been suddenly transferred out to various other places.


The orderlies concerned had made inquiries as to why all of them were moved out of their present workplace for no rhyme or reason. Meanwhile, a white collar high-up of the place had discovered that a certain bigwig holding a high secretarial status in the public service had ordered the transfer of these office orderlies as punitive action. The reason: The high-up had found several mosquitoes inside the office and he held the orderlies accountable for the mosquito presence.        

Meanwhile, the employees say that mosquitoes continue to hum about this office biting even the white collar ones now and then showing no respect for their status, despite the old set of orderlies being replaced with a new set.


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