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A delegation from a medical association comprising a group of doctors who had imported vehicles using the duty-free permit concession called on the Big Boss recently. 


They pointed out that the import tax that was effective at the time they placed their orders for the vehicles had sharply gone up by the time the vehicles arrived and appealed for some measure of relief. 

The Big Boss conceded that it was unfair to subject the doctors to this increased tax and he gave them a hand-written memo addressed to the political authority in charge of the subject asking that justice be done to this group of doctors. 

The doctors happily departed after profusely thanking the Big Boss and made a beeline to the office of the political authority concerned.

They handed the memo to the political authority sure of a positive response. But they were shocked to hear his response. “Who can read this note?”  he demanded. “Only a wise guy from … (the name of a village proverbially associated with stupid peasants) may decipher this writing!”

“I can’t make head or tail of this note. So, how can I comply with a request I can’t make out!” was the political authority’s parting shot, they say.  

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