Indignity he suffered was of his own seeking!     Follow


A certain head of a department having direct dealings with the general public had invited the subject purohita to a regular official conference with the divisional heads of the department.


At this conference held at the departmental headquarters preceded by a meditation session, the head of the department exhorted his divisional chiefs to set an example to their subordinates by performing their duties efficiently and diligently. 

While the conference was underway, the purohita concerned arrived    and the head of the department invited him to address the divisional chiefs. 

And the purohita addressing the conference berated the head of department for his inefficiency and various acts of commission and omission on his part. Visibly flabbergasted by this unexpected harangue, the poor head of department was seen cringing and squirming cutting a sorry figure before his subordinate officers.

Most participants who later discussed this unexpected development had observed that the shelling their boss received was something of his own seeking! 

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