He failed to fool the prelate

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A loud-mouthed one of two-birth dates’ fame from the JO group the other day had an audience with an eminent Buddhist prelate at his temple in Kandy. 


The politico worshipped the prelate and received his blessings as usual. Soon after the exchange of pleasantries, their conversation turned to the current political situation. 

“Ape hamuduruwane, the new Constitution now in the process of being framed will carry provisions highly harmful to our religion and the integrity of our country,” the big-talking politico said dropping what he thought was a bomb shell.  

A visibly unmoved prelate said: “How can we entertain such a fear when we are yet to see the proposed new Constitution even in its draft form? I think that there is no sense in getting unduly perturbed.”

“But, Ape Hamuduruwane, the proposed Articles on the status of the nation and religion ready for inclusion in the new Constitution are highly detrimental,” the politico rang the alarm bell again.

However, the politico’s smooth talk failed to impress the scholar-monk. “Why should we worry about something that’s non-existent?” he queried. Not to be outdone, the talkative politico proceeded to cite a host of clues to press home his point. 

The prelate who gave him a patient hearing finally dismissed the matter saying: “I do not wish to talk about something feared to come up in the future.  Let us talk about the so-called pernicious Constitutional provisions when they make their appearance.”

A crestfallen JO stalwart who probably had planned to stage an anti-government campaign blitz, following the interview with the revered prelate, had to beat a quiet retreat, they say. 

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