Ex-envoy does it again!

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A certain person who once played the country’s envoy in a ‘red’ country is said to be moving from one country to another without returning home as a court warrant is out for his arrest.


However, whenever the former strongman visits a foreign country, this fugitive would rush to his side and pictures showing him in the company of the distinguished visitor would soon appear on the newspapers as well as on the Facebook and other social media web sites. 

This ex-envoy’s recent visit to the country of the Rising Sun had created a stir there when the security authorities discovered that the visitor was a man on the dodge. So about 20 sleuths deployed at the main airport in that country had detained the man when he called there for his departure. When told that he was to be detained as he was under a court warrant, our man had challenged them to produce the court warrant. And that had stumped the security personnel who found themselves sans any official document to justify the detention.

Thereafter, the security authorities in that country had not only released the man, but had also given him a lift to the airport and he had emplaned for his latest destination saying a cheerful ta-ta to them. 

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