Difference between then and now

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A former powerful politician the other day attended the funeral of a close kinsman of a political stalwart in an area close to Colombo hallowed by the Buddha’s visit according to tradition. 


After paying his respects to the deceased, the former powerful politician spent some time chatting to the family members and other mourners. There was a heavily bearded person among the mourners who greeted him with obvious high regard and respect.

Presently the former political leader said good bye to the family members and other mourners who stood by respectfully. And as stepped out of the house, an intimate whispered into his ear: “Sir, didn’t you recognize him?”

“Recognize whom? “

“Why, Sir that one with the face almost covered with the beard?”

“I don’t know him. Who is he?”

“He is the famous direct descendent of King Dutugemunu, Sir!” replied the loyalist. 

The former powerful politician who looked amazed recovered himself immediately and grinned.

“Believe me, I didn’t recognize him!”

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