Craze for power blinds him to blaze at door!     Follow


A certain high-up in the public service, to be more precise, a head of a department much in the limelight these days, sent for a Pettah trader pal the other day.


The businessman who had received certain favours from the VIP in the past and quite eager to further strengthen the connection lost no time on calling on him.

The bigwig warmly welcomed the businessman and began a confidential chat with him.  Presently, he brought out a copy of his horoscope from a pocket in his pants and told him: “You may have heard of … (he mentions the names of two famous astrologers in India) I want you to get two separate readings of my horoscope by these two astrologers!  I understand I have got a Rajayoga. Ask them to say how strong is this yoga and when it is going to fructify!” He added: “Remember this is a top secret!”

The businessman readily undertook to carry out the mission. But he had no required Indian connections. Therefore, he quietly approached a leading politico in the estate sector known to be having ideal connections in India. The politico readily agreed to take the horoscope to the two leading astrologers in India.

Meanwhile, the departmental head is said to be waiting all agog for a word from the two astrologers about the Rajayoga indicated in his horoscope.

However, let alone, the fructification of a Rajayoga, the bigwig’s future in the high office itself is reportedly in a state of uncertainty for his shenanigans in the recent past have seriously jeopardized his career in the public service, they say.

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