Attacking their foe to win their goodwill     Follow


A certain Diyawanna member of the main alliance of the North well-known for his long standing reverential attitude towards our country’s closest neighbor has, in a surprise move turned his guns on it, they say.


The party high-ups traditionally reliant on the neighbour as a ‘friend in need’ were shocked and dismayed by the unexpected turnabout of the member and had made discreet inquiries to ascertain the cause for it. 

They had discovered to their amazement that their Diyawanna colleague had gone into a big business in partnership with a super-rich ‘red’ country and another discovery that they had made soon afterwards had bewildered them; their man had decided that the best and the easiest way of earning the goodwill of the ‘red’ country, now that his business partner was bashing the neighbour given the long- strained relations between the two countries!

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