A wedding that became the talk of the town!

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Gossip stories relating to the recent wedding of a young gabby Diyawanna member, incidentally a VIP’s son, are galore and they continue to entertain humour-crazy ones in political circles.


The premises of a VVIP’s official residence being the venue of this wedding gave the event an extra measure of publicity.     
The young buddies of the Diyawanna member accounted for the majority of the thousands of guests, who attended the wedding, they say.

Most of these buddies had known of an item the young groom loved from his childhood days: high-quality jerseys. So, there had been many jerseys of varied hues among the heaps of his wedding presents.

In fact, this wedding had been the main subject at many powwows among the politicos at the national level. This subject had come up even at a discussion a very high political authority had with a select group of party organizers.

“Well, it was a grand event,” the political bigwig had remarked. “However, this kind of thing never happened even during that one’s (arayage) time!”

He had not explained whom he referred to as ‘araya’. Those present needed no identifying either, they say.


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