A story about a frequent visitor to neglected circuit bungalows

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The second in command in yahapalanaya recently paid an official visit to the South to take stock of the ongoing development activity in the province.


During the visit, purohitas and Diyawanna members from the South who accorded him a warm welcome updated him on the development activity underway from Matara to Kataragama. 

During this conference, a purohita from the Hambantota district brought to the attention of the visiting bigwig that the circuit bungalows available in dozens in the district have fallen into a state of neglect and disuse.

“Sir, there are several circuit bungalows in the Kataragama area itself,” the purohita said. “These bungalows located on extensive tracks of land are crumbling for want of proper maintenance.  If the bungalows are not wanted, at least the valuable lands where they are located should be put to some productive use. It’s a crime to allow this state of affairs to continue any longer…”

The second in command who was attentively listening to the purohita opened up with a tale-tell smile lighting up his face, “Amathituma, why do you say that these circuit bungalows serve no purpose? There are parties who make the best use of these bungalows though you don’t appear to know it. I think it’s a sin to close these bungalows…”  

The second in command’s reply caused titters among the participants.

They also in whispers shared their information about a certain prominent purohita who had made it a habit to frequent these bungalows invariably with some fair one or the other in tow.

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